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Whether you're a Filipino or a global soul, there’s something for you here.
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Raise your vibe

Discover daily spiritual hacks that empower you to connect with your inner divine. Let’s help ourselves thrive together!

Reiki Healing

Dive into real-life stories of transformative Reiki energy healing.


Receive intuitive readings and timeless wisdom. Get universal guidance for your life’s journey.

CHOOSEdays with A!

Simple, budget-friendly tips and products that I’ve personally tried and love—to help you enhance your life, one small change at a time.

Quick fix right at your fingertips.

Founded by Anj (“A”), High Fives and High Vibes is your single-source destination for support, positivity, intuitive healing guidance, and spiritual hacks to raise your own vibration.

Anj is a distant energy healer and an intermediate yogi who draws insights from her psychic gift of clairsentience and extensive journey to self-transformation.

Her deep connection with energies, coupled with her practical insights and expansive analytical career, ensure a professional and calm tarot reading experience.

Judgment-free. 100% Confidential. Effortless experience.


These lovingly crafted pieces not only enhance your room, they raise your vibration! Elevate your space, elevate your spirit.


For a Sunday morning date or catch up. Yung amoy na nakaka-relax pero nakakagana ring kumilos.


Herbaceous and earthy. For the root chakra. Acquired taste but one of my bestsellers! Limited edition.


Feel grounded at once, in the lap of luxury. Amoy nakaka-earth goddess!


Graceful and sophisticated. Amoy na nakahahalina.


What personalized reading clients say about me
One of a kind experience!

One of a kind experience!

Truly one of a kind experience! Getting a tarot reading from A is a journey to discovering one’s self. Mixed with friendly chatter and grounding reminders, there’s no room for being pretentious. Take what you need and grow from there!

I feel empowered

I feel empowered

Our 1-on-1 session was fantastic, A did not stop until we get to the root of my issues. I feel empowered because I have been given the clarity and enough guidance to take control of my situation. Thanks, A!

Truly gifted!

Truly gifted!


i truly feel like i connect with your readings every single time! You are truly gifted!




That was fun and it clarified my thoughts.

My 1-on-1 tarot session with A was very helpful in setting my cluttered thoughts and feelings straight. I know I've got this and I know things will be alright, but it's nice to get a gentle reminder from the Universe that it will go as it should and will be fine.

Everything resonates with me

Everything resonates with me


She didn't ask me anything, she just kept pulling out cards, and card by card, an answer would reveal itself. Everything resonates with me, and not just with me - she even pulled out cards for my partner, and what he's been going through. So I was really surprised by that... It gave me so much clarity, and best of all - peace.

I'm really happy that I asked for her help, she's very generous and gave more than I was expecting.

Highly recommended

Highly recommended

Sheila (CEO & Founder, Spring Sisters)

I felt good and I got to know myself better after the reading. I became more aware of my thoughts and feelings to people around me. It helped me react better to certain situations. Highly recommended.


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How to Change Your Life for Success (Plus, quick fixes to make it happen!)

We often crave change, whether it's because we feel stuck, overwhelmed, or simply want to achieve more. Changing your life for success may seem to be far-fetched and doesn’t happen overnight, but it can be done. And it’s a process. You may need both strategy and self-awareness to make lasting shifts. But here’s a roadmap to help you get started on how to change your life for success—of course based on your own measure of it.

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