About A

I am Anj (please call me “A”), a certified Usui Reiki Okuden Level II energy healer (distant healer), intermediate yogi, tarot reader, crystal devotee, and meditation practitioner.
I draw insights from my psychic gift of clairsentience and extensive journey to self-transformation.
My gift in accessing intuitive guidance is combined–both visual and kinesthetic.
My meditation coach describes me as a master manifestor, and advised that I should start mentoring others. Hence this site, which is clearly one of those manifestations.
Gifted since 1986
There’s something about my hands, my parents say. I was close to pursuing a physical therapy for university, but I hated science. I ended up as a licensed librarian, and now a strategic project manager.
I practiced filmmaking too, and my cinemative voice is transcendental–which is never too far from this gift of healing.
I was rerouted back to healing modalities in my 30s, when I hit rock bottom and at my lowest vibe.
In a serendipitous moment, I ended up in a yoga studio. Next thing I knew, I attended yoga and meditation classes every day. I practiced just for the sake of, and in a short period, I felt positively different (as all yogis have said).
It led to deeper self-discovery and transformation.

All those around me described a sense of calm and healing coming from me–either from my aura, the responses I give, or the actions I chose.
But there’s no perfect way to go about it. It is a practice.
As I continue to unlock other spiritual gifts, my goal is to pay it forward.
When the student is ready, the teacher shows up.
You have stumbled upon High Fives High Vibes for a reason, and maybe it is this moment that you need some quick fix or answers.
I cannot give you precise answers, but I can help you discover it.
My readings are designed to alleviate anxiety by providing clarity and actionable guidance. I ensure that each session leaves you feeling empowered and in control of your own journey.
Let’s normalize loving-kindness.
Being mentored may seem to be a privilege and with a cost, so it is for this reason I’ve created this site.
High Fives High Vibes‘ goal is to guide your practice towards tuning into yourself, so you can fill your own cup. Each post offers healing guidance and encouragement, so you can raise your own vibration.
You are here for a reason, and maybe this is your own serendipitous moment.
The light in me sees and honors the light in you. /highfive!
To more high vibes,
Founder of High Fives High Vibes