Gemini love today – Words Left Unsaid

– Summary –
Oracle message: Blessed
Your current energy: longing
Your person’s energy: confusion
- Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. If it doesn’t resonate at all, it’s okay. This Gemini love today reading may be for another Gemini-born individual, and next Friday’s message is the one for you.
- I physically shuffle and take the jump cards. My daily love oracle readings are done intuitively.
- Time is fluid. You may pick up spiritual messages here, because it is exactly what you need to hear today. For more guidance, you may like to see today’s three card tarot spread (it’s free!)
- Energies of cards can be interchangeable, and not gender-specific
- “Your person” (card on right) could be the person: you’re romantically involved with, on your mind, eyeing to date, or coming towards you. This could also be a friend (and they may need you right now).
- Allow the cards to speak to you too. Answers always come if we’re open.
I bow down to the light in you. Thank you for visiting! /highfive!
Gemini love today reading

Are you longing to get back to things as they were? Or are you wishing for some quality time to be shared with your partner? The 5 of Cups signifies wallowing over what ifs and missed opportunities. Hence, there seems to be feelings of grief and sorrow. This could also be feelings of guilt over things that were left unsaid.
Something feels missing, and your person may also feel the same.
The person you’re dealing with seems to pick up these energies from you, but they are not sure about it. Perhaps they feel shy about communicating this with you. They are second-guessing themselves about how they feel. And they are distracting themselves just so they will not be torn thinking about this.
There are feelings of dismissiveness, and it has nothing to do with you. It feels like they are dismissing their own feelings. As a result, they are sending mixed messages with regards their connection with you. All they know is they’re confused.
Gemini love today guidance
Let awe and gratitude for all your blessing guide you now, Oracle says.
Resentment always follows things left unsaid, just because there were fears surrounding it. Perhaps this is an invitation for you to redirect your energies from crying over spilled milk to reaching out. Right now. Perhaps space was needed to realize what needs to be done. It could be a blessing in disguise, indeed.
A reunion may be on the works. But Spirit invites you first to let go of obsession over the past, because blessings are on the horizon.
Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!
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