Aquarius Tarot – Where Do I Go Now?

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Aquarius Love Tarot

Your free Aquarius tarot reading for May 2024 summary:

Oracle: You’re Already Doing It | Energies: self-doubt; confusion

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!


This phase of your life may feel like you’re stuck in a fog, with uncertainty clouding your judgment, dear Aquarius. You might have recently left a situation behind, possibly a relationship, and now you’re unsure if it was the right thing to do.

It’s okay to feel this way, but remember, sometimes, clarity comes from moving forward, not from standing still.

You may find yourself questioning your decisions, wondering if you’re on the right path or if your choices were sound. This is a natural part of the human experience, especially when we make significant changes in our lives. But take heart, dear Aquarius, for every decision you make is leading you closer to your true self, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.

A new opportunity is on the horizon, one that will spark your creativity and distract you from your current predicament. This could be a new project or a chance to learn something new and exciting.

Embrace this opportunity with open arms, for it will provide a fresh perspective and help you view your situation in a different light.

During this time, you might cross paths with a person who will be a grounding force in your life. They may not be a romantic interest (just yet), but their presence will be a source of inspiration and motivation for you. They will remind you that while progress may be slow, every step you take is a step towards your goals.

Find your happy place, whether that’s engaging in a hobby you love, spending time with friends, or simply spending some quiet time alone.

You are exactly where you need to be right now, and everything is unfolding as it should. So, trust the process, trust yourself, and keep moving forward.

In conclusion, dear Aquarius, keep your head high and your heart open.

Even in the midst of confusion and delay, remember that you are on the right track.

Don’t rush the process; instead, embrace each moment, each experience as a part of your journey.

Your time to bloom is coming, and it’s closer than you think.

You are already doing it!

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
5 of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

This signifies difficult times ahead. You may have suffered a major financial setback. You may find it difficult to face yourself, and for reasons you do not fully grasp, it is difficult to seek help.

Money is tight, but you may find your difficult times are coming to a close. You have regained some agency over your circumstances.

Star Spinner back of card
Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

You or someone around you has garnered a reputation for being reliable. Meticulous and hardworking, this person is good at what he/she does exactly in his/her position, and he/she does not seek opportunities to advance.

You or someone around you is willing to cut corners and take the easy way out. It might be wise to step back and either rediscover what made you passionate about what you do, or find something more fulfilling.

Star Spinner back of card
2 of Swords

Two of Swords

A difficult must be made, and you might be avoiding it. You are getting in your own way.

There are two choices with comparable consequences. You might be caught between two competing sides or find yourself overwhelmed with unwelcome external input.

More spiritual hacks

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

Tarot of the Divine (2020)

by Yoshi Yoshitani

Decks Used: The Five of Swords (Tarot of the Divine)
Justice | Tarot of the Divine

Features rich, vibrant art and a keen understanding of traditional tarot archetypes infused with worldly insight and folkloric spirit.

Illustrator Yoshi Yoshitani brings fables, ancient mythologies, and spiritual legends to life on the Major and Minor Arcana cards, inspired by the cultural traditions of China, Japan, Peru, Norway, Persia, England, Greece, Denmark, the Maori tribe of New Zealand, and more.

Tarot de Carlotydes (2021)

by Carlota Santos

Tarot de Carlotydes applies a fresh approach to classic tarot images for a deck that blends contemporary and vintage aesthetics. Illustrator Carlota Santos re-envisions iconic characters from a variety of cultures and historical periods, drawing inspiration from Celtic Paganism, Imperial Russia, Caribbean Santeria, Middle Ages, and more. In this deck originally published by Fournier, each of the 78 cards is loaded with traditional symbols to inspire a nostalgic feeling and promote a deeper, more meaningful experience during readings.

Ceccoli Oracle (2013)

by Nicoletta Ceccoli

Celebrated illustrator Nicoletta Ceccoli draws in a style of provocative enchantment. These oracle cards provide insight into complex questions, where the dark mingles with the light and reveals the shades of gray that illuminate our most profound truths.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.


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