Cancer Love Tarot – 10 Things You Hate About Them

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Your free Cancer love tarot reading for January 2021 summary:

Oracle message: blame | Your current energy: emotional | Your person’s energy: mysterious

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

Decks used

Labyrinthos Arcana Iris Sacra Tarot Deck

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended.

Current energies | Cancer love tarot

Oracle | Cancer love tarot


One good affirmation phrase right now is what this card is stating: I accept the responsibility for my well-being. Accept responsibility for your own feelings. When you do so, you wouldn’t even feel the need to get an answer from another person. The ego can be a very fragile thing, Oracle says, so if it comes under fire, the first instinct is to blame an external force (your person). That’s victim mentality, dear Cancer.

You have all the power inside you to break free. The moment you demand answers from others, all the more that you are surrendering your inner power to this person. And it doesn’t even mean that you are superior to them.

Personal responsibility gives you that power. Consequently, you detach. Just like a crab, you have a heavy grip to the apple of your eye–almost suffocating. Overall, a lasting transformation always begins on the inside and works its way out.


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Categories: CancerZodiac


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