Capricorn love today – Neverending rumination
Hi! This is your almost-personal, free online oracle reading today. I am not a bot, and no need to sign up! /highfive!
Oracle: Unfinished Symphony
Your current energy: manipulation around you
Your person’s energy: ready for something new
Loving reminders for your guidance
- I physically shuffle and take the jump cards. My daily love oracle readings are done intuitively.
- Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. If it doesn’t resonate at all, it’s okay. This may be for another Capricorn-born individual, and next Tuesday’s message is the one for you.
- Time is fluid. You may pick up spiritual messages here, because it is exactly what you need to hear today. For more guidance, you may like to see today’s three card tarot spread (it’s free!)
- Energies of cards can be interchangeable, and not gender-specific
- “Your person” (right card) could be the person: you’re involved with, eyeing to date, or coming towards you. This could also be just someone on your mind, or around you (and they may need you right now).
- Allow the cards to speak to you too. Answers always come if we’re open.
I bow down to the light in you. Thank you for visiting! /highfive!
Capricorn tarot reading
There is a mentally abusive energy in your midst (King of swords, reversed). It doesn’t feel like it’s you. If it’s your energy, it feels like being up in your head about a situation. You may be thinking too much about a person, and you are disconnected with your usual logical self. There is confusion lingering in your head, and you are ruminating about it.
The person you’re dealing with feels ready to take a leap towards something else. This could also be towards you, but you are doubting it. Your person is ready for a new journey. They are innocent, free-spirited and carefree.
There is a lack of closure between you and this person. The universe invites you to cut loose ends, and come to terms with the reality of the situation. Accept matters as they are, make amends if it need be, and set yourself free. Do not overthink things. Spirit wants you to win.
continue reading more guidance – pick a card tarot reading
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