Capricorn Tarot – Dreaming Of The Future

Published by A on

Your free Capricorn love tarot reading for April 2024 summary:

Oracle: What lights you up? | Energies: confusion; hesitation

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

Capricorn Tarot - Starseed

It seems like you’ve been contemplating a significant change in your life, dear Capricorn. Whether it is pursuing a new career path, embarking on a new educational journey, or possibly entering a new relationship, you’ve been waiting for the right moment.

Your heart may have been captivated by someone (or something) you’ve known for a long time (like a hobby or passion), and you’re now seeing them in a new light.

It’s understandable that you’re cautious and want to take things slowly.

Remember that change is a part of life and often necessary for growth. Sometimes, we have to let go of the familiar to embrace new opportunities.

It seems there’s an offer or opportunity awaiting you, something that could lead you to new places and experiences. However, there’s an unresolved matter holding you back. It’s time to deal with this unfinished business, to clear the path for new beginnings.

You may feel conflicted, torn between different options, and that’s completely normal. In these situations, it’s beneficial to seek advice from someone you trust.

Could there be a wise, influential figure in your life, someone who could help guide you through this situation objectively?

Seeking help is a sign of strength to acknowledge when we need guidance. This influential figure in your life could provide a fresh perspective and help you make an informed decision.

The decision you’re about to face may feel daunting, but remember that without making a choice, there’s no progress. It’s crucial to listen to your heart, and follow what lights you up. You’re an old soul, a Starseed, here to raise your consciousness and contribute to the world in unique ways.

As cliche as it may sound, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Embrace the unique light you bring to the world. Whether you’re considering a career shift, a new romantic relationship, or any other significant change, remember that you deserve this.

You deserve happiness, fulfillment, and love!

It’s time for you to embark on a new chapter of your life. If you have been dimming your life to fit in, then it’s time for you to let that go and channel your inner light. Treat your time on Earth like a glorious vacation, Oracle asserts.

Let go of the past gracefully, send it love, and look forward to what’s coming.

You are on the brink of something exciting! Trust in the journey, dear Capricorn!

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
6 - The Lovers (LGBTQIA+)

The Lovers (Major Arcana)

This card heralds healthy partnerships, unions born of consent and enthusiasm.

A cycle of mutual desire and beneficence is broken, leaving one or all involved parties feeling incomplete and bereft. 

Star Spinner back of card
8 of Swords

Eight of Swords

You are trapped in your bad habits, your deceptions, and your denials. You keep trying to explain your way out of your emotional problems without ever touching the heart of the matter.

You cling to your worst habits because you fear your personal progress will isolate you from those who do not want you to change.

Star Spinner back of card
4 of Cups

Four of Cups

There is a vague sense of dissatisfaction that lingers like a late-afternoon shadow. You are unable to appreciate what you have built for yourself.

There is an urgent restlessness and dissatisfaction. You want to escape and start over. Everything you have built has turned out not quite right, but you keep missing opportunities to try again.

Decks used

The Cosmic Slumber Tarot (2020)

Cosmic Slumber Tarot

by Tillie Walden

The multi-award winning artist and graphic novelist Tillie Walden brings her beautifully unmistakable style and soulful warmth to the world of tarot.

Hand-painted and bursting with color, The Cosmic Slumber Tarot deck evokes images recalled from collective dreams and the depths of the subconscious. Tillie’s style, influenced by Manga and the art of Studio Ghibili, brings a fresh, youthful energy to the tarot cards.

Cosmic Slumber Tarot

Linestrider Tarot Mini (2020)

by Siolo Thompson

Spun with soft strokes of vibrant color and intricate detail, Linestrider Tarot Mini features gentle yet evocative images that dance on the edge between magic and logic. With grace and innovation, Siolo Thompson’s captivating art will enhance your readings in powerful and profound ways.

Red Garden

Oracle of Mystical Moments (2018)

by Catrin Welz-Stein

Visionary collage artist Catrin Welz-Stein intermixes unexpected elements of nature and imagination, creating a sumptuous world where flower spirits and floating castles happily co-exist. Each of the 52 oracle cards captures a magical moment full of delightful surprises and vintage charm. Powerful messages in the 44-page guidebook lead you into discoveries of insight that inspire new ways of looking at life. Catrin Welz-Stein uses digital images to express her creativity and tell unique stories. Her artwork has an ethereal feel that explores the area between imagination and reality. Catrin is originally from Germany but has lived in Korea and Malaysia for several years with her husband and two children, thus there is also a subtle Asian influence in her work.

Oracle of Mystical Moments

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.


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