Daily tarot spread – Mastering self-control

Published by A on

Daily Tarot -

This is your free daily tarot card reading, a spiritual guidance tarot reading for whoever needs it. I physically shuffle my decks to arrive at this reading, and I take the jump cards most of the time. Please take only what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. If you are drawn to this post, there might be something here that you need to hear today.

So, Let’s begin!

Divine protector

Daily tarot - Keeper of the Light - 852020

The Hindu goddess who embodies the divine feminine, Radha, offers her light and energy to you today. She is your spiritual guide who offers harmony and healing.

If you are currently yearning for relationship harmony or healing from a loss, she comes to you at the right time. She reminds you that yourself is the primary instrument to bring yourself to heal, and not the presence of another person can make you whole.

Her light and love ease through so that you can awaken your loving connection with yourself.

Energies from your 3-card spread

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Past: Page of Pentacles (reversed) – There has been a delay in your journey towards material wealth or success. The Page of Pentacles in reverse signifies a complacent, if not lazy energy. Whether this could be coming from you or not, this presents a block towards your financial fulfillment.

Present: The Emperor – An authoritative figure intervenes, and this could be your energy. That means, you have been awakened from a slow-moving situation. A career or business potential may have been recognized in the past, but the systematic planning and strategic thinking may have only been practiced now.

Future: Strength – Self-limiting beliefs may have accompanied the idle energies exhibited by the Page of Pentacles (reversed) in the recent past. In the future, you will tame this unfruitful vibe, and you will see challenges eye to eye.

Daily tarot interpretation

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You are freeing yourself from over-analysis that may have previously brought you down. The idle energies of the past may have been reinforced by overthinking, and you are now choosing to let these go.

You embody the authoritative personality of the emperor, and the resilience of the tiger. Consequently, you are feeling a sense of grit to overcome your self-limiting beliefs. 

The overarching energy is the 9 of Swords in reverse, so your situation may be referring to anxieties and worries. All the rest of your cards, however, signify coming to a sense of equanimity. Hence, you are working on this past self-sabotaging behavior, and through self-control, you are empowering your inner potential.

Radha also comes in your spread, which means that you are also invited to balance love with this strong will, so that your progress will be harmonious, and you will never feel the need to go back to feel worried again.

Oracle guidance

Daily tarot - oracle guidance - 852020

There is an unforeseen gift from the universe. That shift from the idle Page to the mighty Emperor may not be a gradual shift, and that could be the gift this card is referring to. Spirit offered a gift of unforeseen grace.

If not, this card may be a sign that an unexpected windfall of money or good fortune is soon to come. Obstacles will soon disappear, and opportunities will soon open wide. Accept any blessing that is yet to come.

Does this reading resonate with you? Is it reversed? Let me know in the comments!

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If you wish to acquire an extended version or a personal reading via email, you may ask for a quote via tarot@highfiveshighvibes.com

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification needed.

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A gentle reminder from A

My intention every reading: May I speak the truth, may my interpretation be for the highest good, and may my intuitive work contribute to the joy and freedom of all. 

While the magic of the Tarot lies with how it resonates with us, it is always best to exercise free will. Tarot is for fun, just as I feel the joy in connecting with my spirit guides as I interpret the cards. Tarot resembles the Hero’s Journey in Mythology, just as how these archetypes are used in the movies. We are all alchemists to transform our lives, and Tarot is just one way towards self-reflection. Do not be co-dependent on Tarot, k? K! /highfive!

Categories: Tarot


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