Daily tarot spread – Speak your truth, but listen too

This is your free daily tarot card reading, a spiritual guidance tarot reading for whoever needs it. I physically shuffle my decks to arrive at this reading, and I take the jump cards most of the time. Please take only what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. If you are drawn to this post, there might be something here that you need to hear today.
So, Let’s begin!
Energies from your 3-card spread

Past: 9 of Wands (reversed) – Burnout and exhaustion surrounded you in the recent past. You fought so hard to achieve something. Perhaps it has not yet been concluded, but paranoia and stress started to consume you.
Present: The Moon – Currently, uncertainties still abound. Perhaps you are in a state of rest and contemplation about a better approach. However, you are still willing to traverse the unknown, just to achieve success in a certain goal.
Future: Queen of Swords – The ultimate critic and protective mother, Queen of Swords signifies a rational and forthright energy who speaks her truth and fights for what she thinks is right. Although not gender-specific, the Queen of Swords energy is filled with the inner strength and intelligence to conquer something that seems to be unfair for her and her loved ones.
Daily tarot interpretation
Almost the same energies as yesterday! Perhaps you are still working on graceful communication, or universe’s invitation remains the same: surrender. The Queen of Swords is speaking her truth with class and sass, and setting healthy boundaries for herself. And just like yesterday’s energy, Spirit invites you to prune away people who no longer serves you.
There seems to be a conflict in the recent past. This could refer to some sense of injustice around you–may it be systemic, or societal pressure. This could also be related to your financial situation. You fought hard, and you were almost there, but there are stronger external influences that are beyond your control. You may not be recognizing this, and all you care about is that this is a righteous battle and that you are right.
These forces beyond your control just tighten its grip on you, making it too hard to breathe. Hence, your energies are getting drained. All your goals seem too far-fetched right now, and you can only be hopeful about what lies ahead of you.
The Moon signifies mysteries and the subsconscious. That means, your present energy may be an affirmation of the uncertainties that is on your path. On the other hand, this could also refer to your current state–you are working on your inner self to continue with the battle you know you would conquer in the end.
The Moon card also signifies letting go of illusions–may this be about the illusions you create, or other’s truths that seem to be haunting you.

In the future, you will embody the highly critical energy of the Queen of Swords, but with the Page of Swords in reverse as your overarching energy. Be careful that this fighter queen will be rushing through ego-based reasoning and brash approach to life’s challenges. You may run the risk of being all-talk and no action to work on aspects that are just within your control.
Oracle guidance
This is not the time for debate about which truth is truer, Spirit says. This is an invitation to engage in a heartfelt and open conversation, to work on the illusions the energy of The Moon card brings. Speak your truth, but don’t forget to listen. If the forthright Queen of Swords will be coming from fear, Spirit invites you to reassess it and come from a place of love instead.

Look at the honest truth about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Know what is true for you, speak with clarity, but balance it out with aspects beyond your control. You could also be denying yourself some rest and sleep, and that’s the truth you may have been missing out on.
Does this reading resonate with you? Is it reversed? Let me know in the comments!
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While the magic of the Tarot lies with how it resonates with us, it is always best to exercise free will. Tarot is for fun, just as I feel the joy in connecting with my spirit guides as I interpret the cards. Tarot resembles the Hero’s Journey in Mythology, just as how these archetypes are used in the movies. We are all alchemists to transform our lives, and Tarot is just one way towards self-reflection. Do not be co-dependent on Tarot, k? K! /highfive!