Daily tarot spread – You are the Empress, stick to it

This is your free daily tarot card reading, a spiritual guidance tarot reading for whoever needs it. I physically shuffle my decks to arrive at this reading, and I take the jump cards most of the time. Please take only what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. If you are drawn to this post, there might be something here that you need to hear today.
So, Let’s begin!
For your soul

One of the most exciting experiences on earth is friendship. However, this can equally be frustrating. A true friend illuminates your path, and sometimes it’s not how you expect it to be. They may offer advice that is entirely different from your way, but Spirit encourages you to take their criticisms with a grain of salt because all friends have the best interests at heart. Trust, because you have made that choice to include them in your life.
Energies from the Daily Tarot

Past: The Empress – A major life experience have happened in the past. If this is not motherhood, you have birthed to a new creative project and you are indulging in the wealth of options presented to you.
Present: Temperance (reversed) – Currently, something feels off-key. You are not getting it together and there is a sense of discord about this creative endeavor, or new chapter in your life.
Future: The Magician (reversed) – You run the risk of manipulating circumstances so everything will be flawless. It feels like you are tempted to take matters into your own hands.
Daily Tarot Spread Interpretation
There are two stories I see from your spread. One is being gifted with a bounty and you are slowly losing the power to make it grow. In short, you are running the risk to fail the business or the project. The other scenario I see is that you have given birth to your first child, and you are now experiencing your most imbalanced self.
Generally, today’s reading has something to do with birthing to something new (ideas or literally a human), and you are on the verge of losing yourself as you nurture its growth. It feels like you have been gifted with a life-changing opportunity. You took it, but at some point you over-indulged. Hence, you are losing balance and it seems like you just can’t get it together.
With these hurdles at hand, you are lose the opportunity to tap into your own potential. Since its new and you are navigating an unknown path, your lack of self-belief and trust seem to overpower your inner strength.
What the universe wants you to know
Your oracle cards seem to give a clue about external forces that may be influencing your ability to be resourceful or creative. It seems like you are getting out of touch, and you yourself is also lacking the connection with your own inner power. Your overarching energy is The Hermit in reverse, which means disconnection.
With 3 Major Arcana cards in your spread, I believe that the universe wants you to know to take time off and meditate. Consequently, you will then tap into your inner power and achieve that balance. The Empress is so powerful and promising–hold onto that power, and always remember that your inherently radiant heart can overturn all those dark energies that you seem to attract. You can only manipulate your internal world–be that trickster only to your own limiting mindset.
The Daily Tarot: Work Your Light

The right time to clear old patterns has come. Spirit invites you to use your manifesting power wisely, and to reflect rather than isolate. Take a look at the patterns in your life that you are ready to release. You have given birth to something new, and it’s the right moment to sustain and re-channel that creative Empress in your life. You are a creator, and you bear the power towards that abundance.
As you dive deep into your inner self, Spirit invites you to achieve balance by not living the same story, and choose to be unbound by limiting beliefs or co-dependence issues.
Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!
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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification needed.
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A gentle reminder from A
My intention every reading: May I speak the truth, may my interpretation be for the highest good, and may my intuitive work contribute to the joy and freedom of all.
While the magic of the Tarot lies with how it resonates with us, it is always best to exercise free will. Tarot is for fun, just as I feel the joy in connecting with my spirit guides as I interpret the cards. Tarot resembles the Hero’s Journey in Mythology, just as how these archetypes are used in the movies. We are all alchemists to transform our lives, and Tarot is just one way towards self-reflection. Do not be co-dependent on Tarot, k? K! /highfive!