Daily tarot spread – Relax and release
This is your free daily tarot card reading, a spiritual guidance tarot reading for whoever needs it. I physically shuffle my decks to arrive at this reading. I take the jump cards most of the time. Please take only what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. If you are drawn to this post, there might be something here that you need to hear today.
So, Let’s begin!
Release what does not serve you.
First look at your cards I can instantly feel the vibe of getting into your power, or connecting with your intuition. Holy Amethyst, the twin flame of Archangel Zadkiel, comes to you with a miraculous support of connecting with the violet flame she brings, which could be symbolic of the start of your journey to connect with wisdom and transmute your negative experiences. The feminine energies shown in your tarot cards, especially the appearance of the High Priestess below comes without a surprise.
Prolonged breaks are okay.
Two reversals right in front you, these cards signify scattered energies, losing confidence or lack of self-trust, and second-guessing yourself. In your recent past you may have decided to seek solace with your own self. The recent periods of self-isolation may have worked to your advantage because taking a breather might have been your fervent wish for quite a long time already. You have used the quarantine period for introspection. You have wished for this moment to seek inner guidance, so that you may tread your own path and discover your truest self.
Soul-searching. That was your initial goal. But currently, you feel like you are losing track of your progress, or even telling yourself that you haven’t progressed at all. Maybe you discovered that you enjoy cleaning your house, or have realized that decluttering is as easy as watching TV. You found yourself cleaning all the time, or have extended hours of hot bath time. Maybe you found yourself playing videos all day long. But these activities make you feel unproductive–just because it is not at par with your hardworking self. While it pays to track your progress, please be reminded that you could have been working too hard pre-quarantine, so this is just the right time for a break. Doing no-brainer stuff is totally okay, and spells productivity too.
Having steady pauses and by giving yourself the gift of being still, you will come out of quarantine feeling rejuvenated. If you stick with your current energy of telling yourself that you are unproductive, then you might come out of quarantine feeling exhausted.
You are reminded that taking a break to go within is the best decision you have done so far, and being still also means being productive! Be kind to yourself, and honor your long periods of isolation–it’s okay!
Breaking boundaries
Throughout your prolonged breaks you may have heard your intuition calling you. You probably have heard that inner voice telling you about your purpose. The Holy Amethyst gives you the reassurance that you are protected as you choose to act on it, and take a leap of faith as to how you are called to step up.
The Priestess and the Holy Amethyst energies are both nurturing energies that grant you the freedom to choose how you could wisely emerge from your period of isolation.
Your present energies give us a glimpse of some confusion or lack of trust in your self, but the presence of two divine feminine energies in your reading could mean that your are very much ready to step out of your comfort zone.
Release control.
You are called upon to hold onto that peace within you that you have discovered during those prolonged periods of break time. You have already accessed it, but you are still in denial that you already did.
Hold every personal discovery as your truth, and let this be your guiding light towards the realization of your goals. Let go of your preconceived notion of what “being productive” means, and accept that you are at the right path. It may feel slow, but it is steady.
Once you have accepted your steady progress, the path that you deserve will organically reveal itself to you.
Read this card’s message out loud. Use it as your affirmation for today. Yes you can!
Gentle reminder
I am lovingly reminding everyone that Tarot is for entertainment. Tarot is a wonderful instrument in which bits of information mirror back to you what you need to reflect on. It is my intention that each message will be for the highest good, and may my intuitive work contribute to the joy and freedom for all.
While the magic of the Tarot lies with how it resonates for us, it is always best to exercise one’s free will. Tarot is for fun, just as I feel the joy in connecting with my spirit guides as I do this reading. Tarot resembles the Hero’s Journey in Mythology, just as how these archetypes are used in the movies. Everything we see around us are guides towards the magic that lies within all of us. We are all alchemists to transform our lives, and Tarot is just one way towards self-reflection. Do not be co-dependent on Tarot, k? K!