Free Flow Sundays – What You Seek is Within

Welcome to the Free Flow Sundays! If you feel like clicking on this free flow reading, there must be something here that you need to hear today.
Free Flow Tarot: Perhaps it’s your story
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Oracle guidance
The moon wants to absolutely connect with you in this current period. The moon symbolizes mystery, but at the same time its mystery is something that teaches us to reflect. I am glad that the messages that I have felt during those readings connects so well with what the universe wants you to know through your Oracle cards.
Void-of-Course Moon is when the Moon won’t make a major connection with any of the planets until it enters the next sign, Oracle says. Be productive in this waiting time–contemplate and meditate (4 of Cups). Just be present, because the The Empress and The Queen of Cups appear to be your future self which is just around the corner.
Bearing no fruit?
Can you see the moon in your Affirmation card? Your Affirmation card wants to remind you to seek within. Give yourself the chance to connect with your inner teacher rather than projecting to another person your pains inside.
If this is a romantic situation, it’s a sign to surrender to the divine plan. Something better may be around the corner.
Work on the change you wish to see, because it’s just within you. If there is an intuitive whisper to leave this situation behind, then perhaps that’s the message of the two queens–self-love and self-care. If you are diligent about this, you will no longer seek that ‘justice’ as if you are the victim of a two-way partnership.
The Empress embodies abundance. From her perspective, she is abundant. Channel this energy and you will never have to feel the need to fight again.
Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!
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for personal readings:
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A gentle reminder from A
My intention every reading: May I speak the truth, may my interpretation be for the highest good, and may my intuitive work contribute to the joy and freedom of all.
While the magic of the Tarot lies with how it resonates with us, it is always best to exercise free will. Tarot is for fun, just as I feel the joy in connecting with my spirit guides as I interpret the cards. Tarot resembles the Hero’s Journey in Mythology, just as how these archetypes are used in the movies. We are all alchemists to transform our lives, and Tarot is just one way towards self-reflection. Do not be co-dependent on Tarot, k? K! /highfive!