Gemini daily love oracle reading | Celebration of victory

Published by A on

Gemini daily love oracle readingWelcome to your free online oracle reading. This is your Gemini daily love oracle for 22 Jun 2020, Sun, Moon or Rising Sign. Although created for this date, it is noteworthy to also consider that time is fluid, and you may pick up inspirational spiritual messages from this oracle reading, because it is exactly what you need to hear today. Please take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. If it doesn’t resonate at all, it’s okay. Maybe tomorrow’s message is the one for you.

I base my readings from jump cards, which I physically shuffle, while being surrounded by the 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency, consequently for love messages to raise vibration frequencies.

We begin with two (2) drawn tarot cards from the Shadowscapes deck, for current energies. While interchangeable, we start off with your current energy (left). The one on the right is the current energy of the person you’re dealing with: it may be your partner, the person on your mind, the person you’re eyeing to date, or the person who might be coming towards you. Next is the Oracle guidance for you. I primarily use the Rumi Oracle deck, but it could vary, depending on how I would be intuitively guided.

I encourage you to zoom into the cards, and let them speak to you. My interpretation is not the right and only way to read it. Sometimes the answers come to you just by allowing. I acknowledge that the pieces of advice I offer are unsolicited, but I hope it could reach someone who might need help today. So, let’s begin!

Equality between two lovers

Gemini love daily

My heart flutters as I do your reading–it feels so playful and carefree as being a Gemini! I can feel the victorious vibe in this reading, which feels like something has been flaunted out in the open. It feels like a public victory, like having your friends toasting and cheering for some sense of achievement. If feels like someone has, or is coming out.

Wands is a passionate, go-for-it attitude, and the number six is harmony. Your energy is the 6 of Wands, and you may be having a monumental moment in your life, or feeling like you have finally spoken your truth. While the suit of Wands is fiery, the person you’re dealing with feels like more fiery and excited than you (or maybe both of you?). You currently possess a more balanced, let’s-take-it-slow approach than the person you’re dealing with. He/she appears to be your protector during these moments that you have decided to declare your success.

I hear “can’t wait” from the person you’re dealing with, so maybe this has been an ongoing energy from him/her, positively waiting for the right time, or possibly waiting for your readiness, or maybe just that overflowing feeling of being overwhelmed. His/her positive feelings have bottled up, awaiting to rise up the surface. Maybe it’s an excitement to settle down, or feeling ready to plan or take an adventure with you.


Gemini love daily

The awakened heart is like a lantern,
Keep it sheltered
from the turbulence
of the winds of desire.

These cards speak less of attachment, but more of freedom. I almost cried when I have drawn The Courage of Your Love card, because it is an affirmation of your energies–a heart that shines with courageous love. It is with courage that you may have committed to this desire, and through it you are now ready to put on your new gown of freedom. Rumi reminds you that you are not to give into less than you are worth, or to the shaming stories of others about your own beliefs on how to show your love.


Gemini daily loveYour affirmation card could never been oh so true. This affirms the power of your manifested space, and the universe supports you in this new journey ahead. Yes, you are sexy, yes your love is real, and yes! right that moment you have spoken your truth, you just have drawn people more into your magic.

“Yes love, I am with you, and together we claim divine victory! So we roar! How we roar!”

Thank you for your energies, dear Gemini! Hoping to see you tomorrow!


A READING BY A | 22 Jun 2020

Does this reading resonate with you? Is it reversed? Let me know in the comments!


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