Gemini Tarot – Financial Disagreements Push You Away

Published by A on

Gemini Love Tarot

Your free Gemini tarot reading for May 2024 summary:

Oracle: The Initiation. Crossing the threshold. | Energies: impulsivity; stubbornness

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!


Financial issues could be causing disharmony in your personal relationships, particularly in your marriage, dear Gemini. You might feel that you and your partner have divergent views on financial management, which is leading to disagreements and dissatisfaction.

And so you’re considering making a significant change, even if it means facing the unknown.

As a Gemini, you’re known for your ability to adapt and overcome challenges, which gives you confidence in facing whatever consequences your decisions may bring.

However, it’s important to remember that in a marriage, decisions affect both partners. Thus, understanding each other’s perspectives is crucial.

It’s essential to consider what’s causing your discontent. Is it really just about money, or does it stem from deeper issues in your relationship?

It’s okay to feel challenged by your current situation. It’s natural to feel the strain of financial disagreements on your marriage.

But remember, the true essence of your relationship is not solely about the dollars and cents. It is about understanding, compromise, and a deep respect for one another’s perspectives.

Consider the reasons behind your dissatisfaction. Are you seeking more financial stability, or is there a deeper issue at play? Try to see the situation from your partner’s perspective. It’s not about who’s right or wrong, but about finding a solution that respects both of your viewpoints.

You’re on a journey, Gemini. This stage in your life is a rite of passage, a transition that might feel scary now but will lead you to something sacred. It’s okay to feel lost and uncertain.

So take heart and keep moving forward, Gemini. Remember, the road to discovery may be long and arduous, but you’re closer to your destination than you think. Keep faith in the process, and you’ll soon find your way.

Your current situation is not a predicament but an opportunity to grow and strengthen your bond. So brace yourself, embrace the change, and keep moving forward.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
Page of Swords

Page of Swords

You or someone around you is a restless individual. The Page searches for knowledge and truth, with an intellectually dexterous mind and the ability to hold a tremendous amount of trivia.

You or someone around you is an intellectual snob and a gossip. You or someone around you claim too much, but sources may not be trustworthy.

Star Spinner back of card
8 of Swords

Eight of Swords

You are trapped in your bad habits, your deceptions, and your denials. You keep trying to explain your way out of your emotional problems without ever touching the heart of the matter.

You cling to your worst habits because you fear your personal progress will isolate you from those who do not want you to change.

Star Spinner back of card
20 - Judgment

Judgment (Major Arcana)

Your journey has been long and difficult, and you have risen to the occasion at every challenge.

Looking back on your long journey, do you notice that you have taken on too much?

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

Tarot of the Divine (2020)

by Yoshi Yoshitani

Decks Used: The Five of Swords (Tarot of the Divine)
Justice | Tarot of the Divine

Features rich, vibrant art and a keen understanding of traditional tarot archetypes infused with worldly insight and folkloric spirit.

Illustrator Yoshi Yoshitani brings fables, ancient mythologies, and spiritual legends to life on the Major and Minor Arcana cards, inspired by the cultural traditions of China, Japan, Peru, Norway, Persia, England, Greece, Denmark, the Maori tribe of New Zealand, and more.

Tarot de Carlotydes (2021)

by Carlota Santos

Tarot de Carlotydes applies a fresh approach to classic tarot images for a deck that blends contemporary and vintage aesthetics. Illustrator Carlota Santos re-envisions iconic characters from a variety of cultures and historical periods, drawing inspiration from Celtic Paganism, Imperial Russia, Caribbean Santeria, Middle Ages, and more. In this deck originally published by Fournier, each of the 78 cards is loaded with traditional symbols to inspire a nostalgic feeling and promote a deeper, more meaningful experience during readings.

Ceccoli Oracle (2013)

by Nicoletta Ceccoli

Celebrated illustrator Nicoletta Ceccoli draws in a style of provocative enchantment. These oracle cards provide insight into complex questions, where the dark mingles with the light and reveals the shades of gray that illuminate our most profound truths.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Categories: GeminiZodiac


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