Leo Love Tarot – Cooling It Down

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Your free Leo love tarot reading for February 2021 summary:
Oracle: I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it | Energies: contemplative; pushy
Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!
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Current energies | Leo love tarot
More Guidance | Leo love tarot
It appears to be that you are ready to surrender. You may also be feeling that their issues are taking a blow on your ego and you can’t have it as a Leo-born individual. You are fierce and you know what you want, but your person’s desire is your priority.
There is an equal give and take around your relationship (which is a good sign), so this is an affirmation that whatever it is that you feel that’s taken away is nothing to worry about. The more important point of this challenge is to acknowledge that the bonds of love are eternal and that you are not abandoned at all.
Your ability to choose love over ego will bring you more benefits than you could imagine, because wallowing in grief is to pass up the opportunity that you and your soul family have devised and learn nothing from it. It seems like you are already in a place of deeper understanding. And as mentioned in the video, I strongly feel like you are emotionally mature, so you are in a good place.