Leo Love Tarot – You Have Never Met Someone Like This Person

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Your free Leo love tarot reading for March 2021 summary:
Oracle: I am the same as everybody but with different challenges | Energies: prideful; waiting
Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!
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Current energies | Leo love tarot
Oracle | Leo love tarot

Is this the feeling you’re guilty about? Or is it something that you’re hiding and refusing to accept, hence that annoyance? Spirit invites you to embrace your own unique path and be true to your own guidance. Is there something that you feel insecure about? Come on, Leo. You’re a Leo!
If you want to make a move towards someone you care about, then there should be no room for hesitation. Stop overthinking and over-planning based on how others do it. Do not follow the footstep of another nor compare, because your path is yours alone. Follow your inner guidance, and harness your confident self as you make that long-awaited move.
If you don’t follow your own path, you will have to reincarnate in an attempt to learn your original lessons again. That sucks.
If you want to learn more about how your intuition speaks to you, you may want to find out how here.