Leo love today – What’s Your Narrative?

– Summary –
Oracle: Never-ending Story
Your current energy: feeling victim
Your person’s energy: feeling positive
- Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. If it doesn’t resonate at all, it’s okay. This Leo love today reading may be for another Leo-born individual, and next Thursday’s message is the one for you.
- I physically shuffle and take the jump cards. My daily love oracle readings are done intuitively.
- Time is fluid. You may pick up spiritual messages here, because it is exactly what you need to hear today. For more guidance, you may like to see today’s three card tarot spread (it’s free!)
- Energies of cards can be interchangeable, and not gender-specific
- “Your person” (card on right) could be the person: you’re romantically involved with, on your mind, eyeing to date, or coming towards you. This could also be a friend (and they may need you right now).
- Allow the cards to speak to you too. Answers always come if we’re open.
I bow down to the light in you. Thank you for visiting! /highfive!
Leo love today reading

Do you feel trapped, dear Leo? Perhaps you are the ultimate doer and giver in this partnership, and now you are realizing that you have been creating needless sacrifices. While it could be true that you have been sacrificing to make ends meet, you could be giving that injustice to yourself as you fall into that victim mentality trap.
Perhaps you need not do this to begin with, but you felt the need to do so. As a result, you are stalled and unable to move forward. Unfortunately, you could be blaming others except the choices you have made.
The person you’re dealing with is feeling positive, if not successful. Perhaps your sacrifices are all for this person’s glory or happiness. They are happy now, but a better question would be, are you? They are reaping positivity because that’s what they have cultivated. You could be instrumental to that, but if you feel like saying, “how about me?” perhaps that needs to be communicated with them.
Luck is on their side and good fate is at the corner.
Leo love today guidance
There seems to be unequal power relations or unequal give and take in this relationship, and it has been a pattern. You are both in that kind of loop where someone is giving but not receiving well enough. There are unnecessary dramas around, so that could be a result of decisions that may have not been communicated clearly.
Someone may have been stuck in a lie, or certain truths may have been formed. However, neither of you is on that page. Perhaps this is an invitation for the both of you to take a look into those feelings of insecurities, victimization, or inequality.
One’s narrative is not the other, so perhaps it’s a never-ending story because you choose not to relay your narrative. Moreover, there could also be fears surrounding those narrative–you fear being corrected, or you fear to be told that all of those are just from your ego.
One’s sensitivity could be on overload today, and it’s time to set the record straight or identify which of those “monkeys” (a.k.a. issues) are part of your own circus.
Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!
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