Libra love today – Spring Has Arrived
– Summary –
Oracle: Thinker
Your current energy: joyful
Your person’s energy: peaceful
- Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. If it doesn’t resonate at all, it’s okay. This Libra love today reading may be for another Libra-born individual, and next Wednesday’s message is the one for you.
- I physically shuffle and take the jump cards. My daily love oracle readings are done intuitively.
- Time is fluid. You may pick up spiritual messages here, because it is exactly what you need to hear today. For more guidance, you may like to see today’s three card tarot spread (it’s free!)
- Energies of cards can be interchangeable, and not gender-specific
- “Your person” (card on right) could be the person: you’re romantically involved with, on your mind, eyeing to date, or coming towards you. This could also be a friend (and they may need you right now).
- Allow the cards to speak to you too. Answers always come if we’re open.
I bow down to the light in you. Thank you for visiting! /highfive!
Libra love today reading

You are on the road to happiness! Perhaps you have been stalled in the previous months, and perhaps gloomy too, but you worked on it and right now you are reaping the benefits of your efforts. Perhaps you have buckled down to your morning exercise routine. You could have built that yoga and meditation habit, and right now you are freeing yourself from the horrorst of the past.
Four of Wands signifies harmony, stability, and happiness in the home life. You may have reconciled with the love of your life, and you are now celebrating. If you are single, this could be an epiphany about your path, and you feel positive about your plans towards pursuing your dreams or making things happen for you.
The person you’re dealing with have just closed a chapter in their life. Pieces are coming together for them right now. While the World card means completion (which spells celebration), I can feel a bit of somber vibe from them. They could be the type of person who would want to celebrate alone and reflect on how blessed they could be at this current moment.
Libra love today guidance

You are in a logical and analytical phase right now. Perhaps you have that tunnel vision towards a creative project, or something that you are excited to work on. This card is an affirmation that you will win this.
If you have been out of a relationship, this is the perfect time to weigh the pros and cons of what kind of person you wish to attract. While you can be in a logical space right now, now is not the time to indulge in fantasies, Oracle says.
In tarot, this card could be the 9 of Swords, which signifies analysis-paralysis. You could be the person on the right (World) because this resonates with that card’s vibe. But no matter where you are right now, Spirit invites you to be present and channel the 4 of Wands energy (whether it’s you or not): passionate, vibrant, and positive.
Follow whatever it is that excites you.
Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!
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