Sagittarius Tarot – Prepare for a New Journey! ✨

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Sagittarius Love Tarot

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Your free Sagittarius love tarot reading for August 2023 summary:

Oracle: Day and Night | Energies: passionate and confident

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Sagittarius tarot 

Oracle | Sagittarius tarot 

Sagittarius Tarot (Aug 2023) - Day and Night

Change your strategy before you fail one more time, dear Sagittarius.

The energy surrounding your reading is extreme: impulsiveness. You run the risk of taking a leap of faith toward a new direction. The energies of exploration and adventure are also persistent in your reading.

You are presented with a lot of options but now may not be the perfect time to take that leap of faith. Instead, push back to reassess your options.

In what ways can you let go of the need to do something right here right now? 

Surrender. But that doesn’t mean you will give up on that hope and downplay the confidence that resides within you. Sometimes you just have to not act on something now, because there would be a right time to do so. Do not act out of whim and just choose all the options presented to you. Scrutinize these options deeply first before you take that leap of faith.

The Day & Night card is a reminder that after a dark phase, there will always be the light of the morning sun that comes after. You already hold the answers in your hands. Once you choose to step back to re-evaluate, then the right answers will dawn on you.

Don’t act out of worry. Instead, use your intelligence and confidence to take a look at the answers in front of you. Be present.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
6 - The Lovers

The Lovers

This card heralds healthy partnerships, unions born of consent and enthusiasm.

A cycle of mutual desire and beneficence is broken, leaving one or all involved parties feeling incomplete and bereft. 

Star Spinner back of card
3 - Empress

The Empress (Major Arcana)

This indicates the satisfaction of natural desires through careful cultivation and mindful stewardship.

You must reassess your priorities. You may have overwatered your roots, and it will soon rot.

Star Spinner back of card
Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

You or someone around you is a practical and evenhanded provider, adept at maintaining and distributing resources in efficient ways. You or someone around you is more than capable of caring for an entire network of people.

There is a lack of balance between professional and personal spheres of your life. You are overworked and drained from picking up everyone else’s slack, and this makes it difficult to be tactful with others.

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