Today’s Free Tarot Reading: Light & Shadows

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Today’s free tarot reading paint a fascinating picture of personal transformation, weaving together themes of self-discovery, inner wisdom, and divine timing. Let’s explore what messages the universe has for us.

Our journey begins with the reversed Sun card, embodied by Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess. Like a solar eclipse, this positioning suggests a temporary dimming of our inner light. Yet, just as an eclipse is temporary, so too are our moments of self-doubt. The card reminds us that our brilliance remains constant, even when clouds of uncertainty pass before it.

The reversed Hermit (Daitengu) appears next, bringing attention to our relationship with solitude. In our busy world of constant connection, this card suggests we might be running from the very silence that could bring us answers. It’s like having a wise mentor waiting to speak, but keeping our headphones on to avoid the conversation.

Finally, the 8 of Wands (Onibi) bursts onto the scene with the energy of shooting stars. This card brings a message of swift changes and incoming opportunities, suggesting that once we align with our truth, the universe responds with remarkable speed.

Today’s 3-card spread reveals a powerful narrative about the relationship between inner work and outer manifestation.

The universe is showing us that our current challenges with self-doubt and resistance to introspection aren’t roadblocks – they’re stepping stones.

The 8 of Wands suggests that once we embrace these inner aspects, external opportunities will flow naturally. This is such a quick energy—once you start, you will never go back. So take that action to cast shadows of self-doubt, and take action. Volunteer, reach out to a friend, or just offer a compliment to someone today.

  • Trust the timing of your journey – periods of reflection are as valuable as moments of action
  • Create sacred space for self-dialogue, even if it feels uncomfortable at first
  • Remember that clarity comes from facing our shadows, not avoiding them

🌟 Self-Reflection:

  • What aspects of myself am I hesitant to examine more closely?
  • How does my inner light express itself when I’m feeling most authentic?
  • What opportunities am I ready to welcome into my life?

✨ Action Steps:

  • List three ways you can create more space for introspection this week
  • Identify one fear that’s blocking your light and write down steps to address it
  • Journal about what “moving forward with intention” means to you personally

This moment in your spiritual journey is perfectly orchestrated. Whether you’re feeling the weight of shadows or the spark of incoming opportunities, each experience is guiding you toward greater alignment with your authentic self. Trust the process, embrace the quiet moments, and stay open to the magic that’s unfolding.

Deck used

Yokai Tarot (2024)

Marga Biazzi, instructions by Paolo Bertazzo

78 cards, 70×120 mm

According to Japanese folklore, spirit-like entities called yokai inhabit the Earth. They live beneath the canopy of the forests, below the surface of the seas, or in the most secluded corners of our homes. They can be humanlike, beasts, or even objects; they can be mischievous or peaceful and protective. One thing is certain: through this beautiful tarot deck with art by Marga Biazzi, the yokai are here to guide your path with their cunning and wisdom.

Categories: Tarot


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