Cancer Love Tarot – ‘Can’t They Be on the Same Page?’

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Your free Cancer love tarot reading for December 2021 summary:

Oracle: You are not alone | Energies: stillness; restlessness

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Cancer love tarot

Oracle | Cancer love tarot

Cancer Love Tarot - Keepers of the Earth

If this roadblock makes you feel alone, this card is a reminder for you to not linger in that feeling any longer because your Spirit Guides have your back. They hear you. However, they cannot help you without your permission. So, now is the time to call upon them for assistance, Oracle says.

Perhaps the universe invites you to receive it right now. You may have been giving too much to the world, but sometimes forgets about being compassionate towards yourself. You have done enough and you are enough. So take a break from that call of duty (perhaps to provide for or serve your loved ones) and be open to receive. In what ways can you treat yourself right now?

Drop that frustration right now towards others, and focus on you.

The Keepers of the Earth acknowledge the work that you have done and are ready to work through you, Oracle asserts. You imbibe the energy of stillness and perhaps solitude right now. Use it to recharge, and perhaps do something to care for yourself. Any kind of support would benefit you right now as you fill your cup. As a result, it will overflow and radiate to those around you.

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below!

Make your own 3-card spread here (free unlimited shuffle):

Star Spinner back of card
8 of Cups

Eight of Cups

You have taken practical steps to change your life. Though your circumstances are challenging, you are prepared to meet any incoming obstacles.

The dewy sheen of your dreams is lost in the face of reality. You find yourself making difficult personal choices and leveraging practical sacrifices over your ideals.

Star Spinner back of card
Page of Cups

Page of Cups

There is an embodied childlike excitement at prospective emotional connections. This card indicates wonder and appeals to the part of you that indulges in following your dreams.

You or someone around you is immature and unable to properly address emotional problems. A lack of self-love and self-confidence is evident, and it asks you to examine moments of petulant selfishness.

Star Spinner back of card
9 of Cups

Nine of Cups

You are at a place where you can be proud of your achievements. You are happy, and your goals are nearing completion.

Nothing has turned out the way you hoped. Your dreams seem further out of reach than ever before. Your sacrifices yield little satisfaction.

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Categories: CancerZodiac


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