Gemini Love – Join Them or Beat Them

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Gemini Love Tarot

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Your free Gemini love tarot reading for November 2023 summary:

Oracle: You’re Already Doing It | Energies: maturity and patience

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

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Gemini love tarot full reading

Gemini love tarot Oracle message

You're Already Doing It (Gemini Love Nov 2023)

Darling, you’re making adjustments, aren’t you? Bending over backward, possibly repressing your truth for the sake of harmony. Uh oh, don’t gaslight yourself, sweetie. That “adjustment phase” shouldn’t be an uncomfortable hellhole.

Losing yourself for the wrong reasons spells disaster.

Can you feel a shift in the universe? It might be asking you to pause and reflect. Are you making too many adjustments in your relationships? Are they coming at the cost of your joy, your truth, and your authentic self?

Scrutiny can sting, and sometimes you might feel lost. But hold onto your truth: your beliefs and your values are not worth sacrificing for anyone else.

You do not need to prove anything to anyone, because the more you express your authentic truth, the more people will see the real you. The more they see the real you, the more they will appreciate your presence.

If you struggle to express this, just negotiate!

Don’t forget to have fun. Don’t hold yourself to such a high standard that you forget to dance in the rain.

Remember that you are strong, powerful, and deeply committed to your truth. Celebrate that!

And so Oracle affirms: You are already doing it.

Stop doubting, dear Gemini. You’re on the right path, progressing in the direction you’re meant to be. Let go of overthinking—you’re closer to your destiny than you believe.

Each moment, each step is exactly where and when it needs to be. Don’t rush it. Remember, patience is key. Every new dawn brings a fresh brick for your path, steadily building towards your dreams.

Just as a seed takes its time to grow, so too, are your dreams taking root. What you’ve planted is thriving, ready to bloom at its own pace.

If impatience strikes, remember it’s just your ego comparing your journey to others. Comparison isn’t your friend. Stay in your own lane. Nurture your dreams, and in due time, they’ll flourish. Trust in your journey and keep moving forward.

Keep shining your unique light. You are already doing it, dear Gemini. Keep going.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
10 of Wands

Ten of Wands

You have worked very had, and you have amassed many accomplishments. Unfortunately, this carries with it more responsibility. A grand and beautiful garden requires more care and attention than a single potted plant.

Those things you amassed now feel burdensome to maintain. You might feel ready to move on, but you have invested so much in where you are.

Star Spinner back of card
Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

The Queen embodies compassion, emotional stability, and fair judgment. Work toward emotional well-being instead of abstractly explaining away all your problems.

You are feeling disconnected from your emotions. You are encouraged to examine where communication might be stifled. There is hesitation to trust, but you lack a precise source of suspicion.

Star Spinner back of card
7 of Swords

Seven of Swords

This marks you as the betrayer. You saw opportunities and took them by whatever means you could.

Someone has seen through your ruse. Though you think you are getting ahead, you are not as clever as you believe.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: GeminiZodiac


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