Gemini Love Tarot – They Are Determined to Make It Work for You

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Gemini Love Tarot

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Your free Gemini love tarot reading for January 2023 summary:

Oracle: Stay focused | Energies: stubbornness; determination

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Gemini love tarot 

Oracle | Gemini love tarot 

Gemini Love Tarot - RAY OF LIGHT

Any kind of transformation is never easy, I know, but it will never present itself to you if you are not worthy of, or ready for it. That means you are fully equipped to handle it successfully.

You are creative and an independent thinker. You know what you want and how to make it happen, but at the same time, you are a leader. A leader knows how to listen and how to work together with a team.

Transformation is only successful if it is a collective effort. You understand that it is not just about you, but about the people around you. And I know you know that.

Your Oracle cards are telling you that the transformation you are about to experience is going to help you become the person you have always wanted to be. They are reminders for you to take a deep dive into the unknown.

Your current partner is determined to make it work for you. The Two of Swords card in your reading speaks of their determination to make it work for you, no matter how challenging the situation is. But it is also a sign that you are on the verge of giving up. Would you?

It could be a time to seek help.

The House of Flowers is a reminder that you can make your own luck. Even if you feel like you have been dealt a bad hand, you can still make something beautiful out of it. It is a reminder of the power of transformation and choices.

How can you make a choice now that will help you thank yourself in the future?

The Chariot is a sign that your journey to transformation is about to begin. This is a sign of victory and success, and it is telling you that you will be victorious in the end. Take a step back and list down steps to redirect your focus on being that rightful ‘leader’ in this connection.

The Ray of Light here is a sign of intense focus and wisdom. Its reasoning polarizes everything in its path, focusing on the impalpable, Oracle says. Where your intention goes, your energy flows. That means, if you focus on who your person is not, then you feed that annoyance and you make it grow. However, as mentioned, you can do better than that, dear Gemini.

How do you envision a positive outcome? Focus on that and bring it into form.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
2 of Wands

Two of Wands

From the initial spark of the Ace, take that energy and chart a course. There is still a good deal of planning to do.

You are caught at an impasse. Decision-making is difficult because you are still much too precious about your inspiration. If you do not fan those sparks, they will dwindle and dissipate.

Star Spinner back of card
4 of Wands

Four of Wands

Now is the time to celebrate your accomplishments with your loved ones.

The foundations you have built feel unsteady. Someone in your life might believe they are fully committed to something when they still have doubts.

Star Spinner back of card
4 - Emperor

The Emperor (Major Arcana)

You have done as much preparation as necessary, so move forward with your plans.

Power is abused and corrupted. Be careful not to overstep your sense of authority.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: GeminiZodiac


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