Leo Love Tarot – Not Open for Negotiation

Published by A on

Leo love tarot

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Your free Leo love tarot reading for August 2022 summary:

Oracle: WAVE – unity | Energies: remorseful; ambitious

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Leo love tarot 

Oracle | Leo love tarot 

Leo Love Tarot - Wave

The person you’re dealing with was not someone you believed to be. And this has brought you so much pain, if not mental anguish. Moreover, it has come to a point that everything you have tediously built upon was shattered. Certainly, you are heartbroken and cannot believe that this ‘falling apart’ is really happening.

All the signs have led to this but it seems like it was something you swept under the rug for the longest time. On the other hand, you may have not believed your friends—you called them jealous or envious, and you just ignored people who seem to be in the business of destroying your fantastic love life.

And it hurts you all the more to know that they were right.

Be like your person. That means, allowing yourself to venture on a new path and create something new for yourself. It’s devastating, I know, that it seems like they get it all together and you are left behind hurting. And so the universe asks you now, in what ways can you forgive yourself?

Wave rolls in as a reminder that you are part of something much greater than your individual life, Oracle says. You are an inseparable participant in all life, so know that what’s happening around you is just a part of life’s ebb and flow.

You are fearless and valiant, unique and grounded. So Spirit asks, in what ways do you live your life in alignment with who you truly are?

What others may have taken away from you does not mean they have all of you. Because you are autonomous, powerful, and a confident soul. Who you truly are is never (and should never) be validated by another person—it should always come from you. Certainly, knowing yourself will help allay painful perceptions of separation and even unclaimed parts of yourself, Oracle asserts.

Certainly, what could help you right now is to use this pain to re-engage with who you truly are.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
12 - Hanged Man

The Hanged Man (Major Arcana)

It might feel like too much is currently on hold, but perhaps this is for the best.

Your personal stagnation might be due to an inability to articulate those frustrating things that give you pause.

Star Spinner back of card
7 - Chariot

The Chariot (Major Arcana)

There is a definitive sense that propels your journey. The Chariot has no reins and is propelled by force of will.

Interrogate your goals and means of achieving them.

Star Spinner back of card
7 of Wands

Seven of Wands

You rise to meet your challenges. This indicates competition and maintenance of the status quo you have achieved. You are sure of your goals and there is no negotiating them.

The struggles proves to be too much, and you are overwhelmed from the effort of defending yourself.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: LeoZodiac


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