Leo Tarot – You Are Not Alone

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Leo love tarot

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Your free Leo love tarot reading for July 2023 summary:

Oracle: A need to consider options | Your current energy: self-doubt

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Leo love tarot

Oracle | Leo love tarot

Leo Tarot - To Be Fair

To Be Fair Oracle card just sums up your reading: justice is being served.

Life is a pendulum swinging between all of states—from stasis to doing. Moreover, you will always oscillate back and forth between doing and being. If you are not content with where you are at this moment, remember that all experiences have their place, Oracle says.

You are now reaping what you sow. Spirit sees that you have done your part, and so wondrous things will be revealed now!

Abundance is coming, so give yourself permission to accept it with grace.

In what ways can you detach from thoughts that have been hounding you, such as not being able to forgive yourself for past misgivings?

Inequity is part of life, but they do not have to define your experience of life, Oracle says.

You cannot heal from where you were hurt, so there is no point in turning back. Move forward and forgive. Sometimes you don’t need to respond in order for you to have closure. Your ex need not ask for forgiveness too before you can actually forgive them.

Anger is the feeling of having lost our power over things that don’t fall under our expectations. Sorrow is the feeling of having someone taken away from us. Forgiveness, however, holds too much power in which these feelings could be redeemed.

Spirit offers a new beginning to you. Take the lessons from past relationships with you, and walk towards a new path and answer this call from the universe.

A decision is required to make some great changes. What changes around you do you wish to see, and in what ways can you take action to make it happen?

It’s time to think about that now. Certainly, the universe has your back!

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
King of Cups

King of Cups

The King represents patience, compassion, and stewardship. You or someone around you is intentional about addressing strong and unruly emotions with great sensitivity and care, and guides you toward emotional maturity and levelheadedness in trying times, particularly where a diplomatic and even-handed response is required.

There is emotional abuse and manipulation around you. You or someone around you is selfish, temperamental, and vindictive. This person may be leveraging guilt to get what they want, and shifting blame on others when things go wrong.

Star Spinner back of card
10 of Wands

Ten of Wands

You have worked very had, and you have amassed many accomplishments. Unfortunately, this carries with it more responsibility. A grand and beautiful garden requires more care and attention than a single potted plant.

Those things you amassed now feel burdensome to maintain. You might feel ready to move on, but you have invested so much in where you are.

Star Spinner back of card
Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

You or someone around you is a proactive and curious individual. He is opinionated, but also a clear and intentional communicator.

The Knight of Swords in this position is possessive and singular in the pursuit of knowledge. There is little application and even less ethical consideration in your endeavors.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: LeoZodiac


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