Libra Love Tarot – In the Name of Love

Published by A on

Libra Love Tarot

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Your free Libra love tarot reading for November 2022 summary:

Oracle: Focus on your alignment | Your energy: confusion

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Libra love tarot 

Oracle | Libra love tarot 

Libra Love Tarot - Mountain

What are you compromising for the sake of love, dear Libra? Are you giving or receiving too much? How can you balance them out?

There seems to be a dilemma here—more of the usual should-I-stay-or-should-I-go question. Some may have been struggling with the first part of the separation. But for some Libra-born individuals, you are still asking that question and perhaps staying for the wrong reasons.

Love is never enough. Or is it love, really?

Look at that perception of love and try to redirect it back to yourself. How does it feel and what does it look like? Does it look like you struggle with finding answers? Does it look like having a lot of possessions around you? Perhaps it’s time for you to reassess the connection and do one thing that will have you say yes to yourself. Remove all the other elements in the picture (i.e., what your friends are telling you to do, the house, children, and also money). And then identify what is it that makes your heart flutter without those elements. It’s time to tune into that and do it.

Relationships are not meant to take away something in ourselves. It is meant to strengthen who we are.

The Mountain here is a gentle nudge for you to focus on your alignment. How can you strike a balance between conviction and action? The Mountain is proud and mighty but grounded nonetheless. Mountains never bow down to any storm. Spirit invites you to reconnect with your desires as it relates to your worth. With your statuesque prominence, how can you show that you embody incorruptible dignity just like the mountain? No amount of material possession can equate to your worth, because it has always been intangible and with you all along.

Consciously allow yourself to rediscover and reconnect to that worth.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
4 - Emperor

The Emperor (Major Arcana)

You have done as much preparation as necessary, so move forward with your plans.

Power is abused and corrupted. Be careful not to overstep your sense of authority.

Star Spinner back of card
7 of Cups

Seven of Cups

This indicates wishful thinking. You fortify yourself with fanciful daydreams. Though this is a beautiful place to be, your choices may not e grounded in reality.

Though your imagination is vibrant and seemingly limitless, it is misapplied to feeding your deepest anxieties. You are limited by your potential fears and fail to make brave choices.

Star Spinner back of card
7 of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

You are at a point where you want to make long-term investments. This is a reminder for you to look at the bigger picture and spend time cultivating your resources responsibly.

Though you are currently financially stable, you are impatient with your progress. You may be tempted to overspend or invest your resources a little too hastily. Analyze your prospects and check your impulses.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: LibraZodiac


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