Libra Love Tarot – You Regret That You Rejected Them?

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Your free Libra love tarot reading for September 2021 summary:

Oracle: I feel good when I can help others | Energies: regret; wishy-washy

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Libra love tarot 

Oracle | Libra love tarot 


This card seems to be an affirmation that your soul resonates with this vibration of generosity. This could also signify your love language, dear Libra.  And it could give a clue about how you act in relationships. Perhaps this has not been met, and this is what gives value to your relationships. 

You might currently be in a situation in which your soul needs to be fulfilled on “higher levels,” Oracle says. And this could only happen through the attribute of humbly serving and supporting others. Whether service is what you are looking for in a partner or this is what your soul wants to do, Spirit invites you to discern what needs attention right now? Look around you and see where and how you can serve another, Oracle says. Do you need to release yourself from a connection that seems to be self-serving? Or do you need to be more loving in your words?

Wherever you are, Spirit invites you to perform a small act that will enrich someone’s life today. Do you regret what you have said? Perhaps it’s better to reach out to them and tell them how you feel. You have been honest about letting them go, so it wouldn’t hurt to be honest about this regret too. Perhaps they are the one who needs your help right now. 

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!

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or make your own spread (free unlimited shuffle):

Star Spinner back of card
10 of Swords

Ten of Swords

There is a painful conclusion, a harsh defeat. You were set up for failure, yet you continually toiled in futility.

You are in a bad situation, but your fear of change is stronger than your willingness to solve the problems at hand. Instead of doing the difficult work of confronting your fears, you let it drag on endlessly.

Star Spinner back of card
Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

This represents emotional awareness. You are in touch with your inner feelings and prone to flights of fancy. Despite the power of fantasies, the Knight is also a reminder to keep yourself from getting swept away by your ideals of romance.

Someone has lost control of their emotions. The Knight warns of lack of self-reflection, and being prone to moodiness and jealousy.

Star Spinner back of card
5 - Hierophant

The Hierophant (Major Arcana)

It may be worthwhile to seek an organized outlet for a shared expression of spirituality.

You or someone around you is a dogmatic figure who must be questioned.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: LibraZodiac


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