Pisces Tarot – You Thought You Have Forgiven Them

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Pisces Love Tarot

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Your free Pisces love tarot reading for August 2023 summary:

Oracle: All is Connected | Your current energy: trust issues

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Pisces tarot

Oracle | Pisces tarot

Pisces Tarot (Aug 2023) - All is Connected

Do you feel like being in a relationship but actually feeling lonely in that relationship? It seems like you are not sharing the same page with your person, dear Pisces, and one of you would want to escape this situation right now.

One of you in this relationship wants to make it work and find a solution. The other person, on the other hand, is not open to negotiation and just wants their way to be done. As a result, someone is getting fed up and at their wit’s end. They just want to be out.

Please know that you always have the power to choose what’s right for you. In order for you to execute it, sometimes you just have to express it. Perhaps learn to negotiate and meet halfway, if your partner doesn’t want to recognize your truth.

You don’t have to give up right now, but you don’t equally have to endure.

The All is Connected card is a reminder for you to be patient with these challenges because it is transforming you into a better version of yourself. So Spirit wants you to know that you don’t have to be afraid of changes. That means you have to release your fear by letting go. Change is always difficult and challenging. But it is the only way to grow in a relationship. If you desire this relationship to grow, reflect on ways to see your situation as an opportunity to learn patience.

Set an ultimatum because you really don’t have to prolong the agony. If your partner will continue to ignore or disregard your efforts, the energies of frustration, anger, and resentment will eventually consume you. As a result, it will make you more unhappy. Remember that if you linger in negative emotions, it would manifest in your body and will take a toll on your health.

Find the right balance between walking away and being more patient. Until when would you give up on being compassionate toward another person, and finally choose to redirect that compassion back to yourself?

Whatever you choose, you are in the process of transformation and change. Remain open.

You don’t have to overthink about the right way to do it. Because no matter what you choose, you will be redirected back to where you have to be. That also means that you are exactly where you need to be because everything happens in divine timing.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
4 of Wands

Four of Wands

Now is the time to celebrate your accomplishments with your loved ones.

The foundations you have built feel unsteady. Someone in your life might believe they are fully committed to something when they still have doubts.

Star Spinner back of card
Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

You or someone around you is a high achiever and revels in new challenges and new ideas. Though she is warm and passionate, she is also decisive and intense, representing ambition and vibrancy.

This could indicate self-righteousness. Though you or someone around you are passionate and accomplished, you can take a long time to course-correct when you are in the wrong. Your goals may not be consistent, and your core beliefs may be prone to change.

Star Spinner back of card
1 - Magician

The Magician (Major Arcana)

You are taking steps to realize your dreams. There is planning and intentionality involved, as well as resourcefulness and a clarity of purpose. The Magician believes that luck favors the prepared.

Your desire for control can be stifling or destructive.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: PiscesZodiac


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