Sagittarius Love Tarot – Lack of Closure (Yet)

Published by A on

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Your free Sagittarius love tarot reading for Septe, 2021 summary:

Oracle: I am a being of love, and I release all negative energy | Energies: stuck; prideful

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Sagittarius love tarot 

Oracle | Sagittarius love tarot 

PEACE (Soul Journey Tarot) | Sagittarius Love Today

Take a look at your current energy–have an emotional check-in–is there doubt, anger, sadness in there? Be mindful if you are surrounding yourself with negative energies right now, dear Sagittarius. Sowing doubt will bring you down instead of making you feel better. 

Spirit invites you now to work on your inner peace. Balance in the mind is imperative in order for your soul to live its true nature, Oracle says. You will find it more difficult to find clarity about what needs to be done if you get obsessed with the past. 

I’m not talking about chasing after someone to get answers so you can find peace. What I’m talking about is releasing your need-to-know attitude towards your circumstances. The more you focus on chasing after another, then the more you take away that opportunity for you to connect with the rhythm of your soul. Everything starts to fall in the right place once you surrender.

You don’t need to know the answers right now. Be at peace with uncertainty, or with unanswered questions. All the answers will reveal themselves at the right time. And that time would be magical, only if you allow it to be. 

And so Oracle asserts, now is time to reconcile past hurts and perceived injustices. Release, so you can breathe easily.

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!

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or make your own spread (free unlimited shuffle):

Star Spinner back of card
20 - Judgment

Judgment (Major Arcana)

Your journey has been long and difficult, and you have risen to the occasion at every challenge.

Looking back on your long journey, do you notice that you have taken on too much?

Star Spinner back of card
5 of Wands

Five of Wands

This represents tension. There might be some compelling disagreements in your life, and nobody seems willing to compromise.

You refuse to engage in difficult conversations for fear of disturbing the status quo. You would rather avoid conflict than accept it.

Star Spinner back of card
6 - The Lovers

The Lovers

This card heralds healthy partnerships, unions born of consent and enthusiasm.

A cycle of mutual desire and beneficence is broken, leaving one or all involved parties feeling incomplete and bereft. 

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