Sagittarius Love Today – Old Habits Die Hard

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– Summary – 

Oracle: The Tribe
Your current energy: close-mindedness
Your person’s energy: unknowingly careless


  • Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. If it doesn’t resonate at all, it’s okay. This reading may be for another Sagittarius-born individual, and next week’s message is the one for you.
  • I physically shuffle and take the jump cards. My daily love oracle readings are done intuitively.
  • Time is fluid. You may pick up spiritual messages here, because it is exactly what you need to hear today. For more guidance, you may like to see today’s three card tarot spread (it’s free!)
  • Energies of cards can be interchangeable, and not gender-specific
  • “Your person” (card on right) could be the person: you’re romantically involved with, on your mind, eyeing to date, or coming towards you. This could also be a friend (and they may need you right now).
  • Allow the cards to speak to you too. Answers always come if we’re open.

I bow down to the light in you. Thank you for visiting! /highfive!

Sagittarius love today reading

Justice reversed | 6 of Cups reversed

Your traditional self greatly contributes to your decisions around your romantic or home life. You have a tunnel vision over a plan that was carefully done. Perhaps you are in the execution phase right now and you are accepting any reason from a loved one, because all you see are excuses. 

While this could mean feeling a sense of injustice, it also seems like you are finding someone to blame–“my plan can never go wrong,” says your forthright self. Perhaps this is you who refuses to take accountability, or you are just missing to opportunity to understand a loved one’s behavior.

The person you’re dealing with could be dealing with a past hurt or trauma, that is very evident in their current behavior. Perhaps they haven’t done the healing work. Hence, they resist change and they just can’t be in alignment with your expectations. This card signifies unrealistic expectations, and these could be coming from your end.

Sagittarius love today guidance

Sagittarius love today - 11172020

The universe wants you to find where you belong, instead of shoving your principles unto others. This is the most opportune time to create like-minded connections, Oracle advises.

Perhaps you have a desire to be seen and acknowledged by people you care about deeply. They could not be in the right mindset right now to do that, and it’s bringing you frustration. However, Spirit invites you to find that “proper dance” between you and your loved ones. Acceptance of their flaws is part of that dance, Oracle says.

Empower yourself even further by asserting your authentic truth. However, do not push this truth so hard just so you can find the belongingness. It’s okay to be different, but it’s not okay to demand others to change so they can fit in your box of expectations. Knowing your place in the world may just be enough.

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!

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