Scorpio Love Tarot – There’s Nothing Much You Can Do

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Your free Scorpio love tarot reading for January 2021 summary:
Oracle message: Discipline | Your current energy: heartbroken | Your person’s energy: dissatisfied
Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!
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Current energies | Scorpio love tarot
Oracle | Scorpio love tarot
Your soul has a goal but it has also chosen to incarnate into a world of distractions, Oracle says. Spirit invites you now to channel discipline as you work towards your healing. Keep the lessons with you, and move forward. Easier said than done, I know, but you don’t have to leap right now. All you have to do is begin.
Reevaluate your priorities and how you set up for your day. You may need to release unwanted routine with the person who has caused your heartache. A new system of managing your life is called for right now.
Spirit encourages you to avoid being just the recipient of whatever comes your way. And openness could be just one way for you to start that journey towards healing. A task begun feels oh so much better than a task delayed.