Scorpio Tarot – Hurting To This Day

Published by A on

Your free Scorpio tarot reading for June 2024 summary:

Oracle: Liberty | Energies: confused; hurt; languishing

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!


Scorpio is yet again experiencing heartbreak and struggle in a relationship that’s become toxic.

You could be giving more and it’s not balanced with what you’re receiving, causing pain and self-doubt.

However, despite the desire to leave, there’s a difficulty in breaking free due to fear and uncertainty.

This month is a time of introspection, seeking to understand how to move forward.

It’s okay to feel lost and uncertain. Everyone has moments of doubt, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Accept these feelings as part of your journey, but don’t let them define you. You are so much more than the challenges you’re currently facing.

In what ways can you nurture a path towards self-determination and making better choices?

What lessons can you learn from this experience?

How can you grow from it?

Use this reading as a call for introspection to recognize patterns and behaviors that may be harmful to your wellbeing.

I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s time to turn your back away.

Liberty comes up and fits your reading so perfectly, because it speaks of freedom.

That freedom comes from the inner power to liberate yourself from internal and external cages.

Oracle tells us that most of the obstacles we face are the ones we create ourselves.

And when we realize we’re its creator, we know that the power to release them also is in our hands.

So, Scorpio, trust in yourself and your ability to overcome these challenges.

Being vulnerable is okay.

It takes courage to open up and allow yourself to feel.

Always remember that you have the strength to overcome anything that life throws your way.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
20 - Judgment

Judgment (Major Arcana)

Your journey has been long and difficult, and you have risen to the occasion at every challenge.

Looking back on your long journey, do you notice that you have taken on too much?

Star Spinner back of card
7 of Swords

Seven of Swords

This marks you as the betrayer. You saw opportunities and took them by whatever means you could.

Someone has seen through your ruse. Though you think you are getting ahead, you are not as clever as you believe.

Star Spinner back of card
3 of Cups

3 of Cups

This signifies a happy gathering or a strong network of peers. Friendships and camaraderie are at their sturdiest and most reliable.

The bonds within your social circle are made tenuous by jealousy and insecurity. Gossip and lies undo previously sturdy bonds.

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

Tarot of the Divine (2020)

by Yoshi Yoshitani

Decks Used: The Five of Swords (Tarot of the Divine)
Justice | Tarot of the Divine

Features rich, vibrant art and a keen understanding of traditional tarot archetypes infused with worldly insight and folkloric spirit.

Illustrator Yoshi Yoshitani brings fables, ancient mythologies, and spiritual legends to life on the Major and Minor Arcana cards, inspired by the cultural traditions of China, Japan, Peru, Norway, Persia, England, Greece, Denmark, the Maori tribe of New Zealand, and more.

Arcana Iris Sacra Tarot

by Labyrinthos

Labyrinthos Arcana Iris Sacra Tarot Deck

Ceccoli Oracle (2013)

by Nicoletta Ceccoli

Celebrated illustrator Nicoletta Ceccoli draws in a style of provocative enchantment. These oracle cards provide insight into complex questions, where the dark mingles with the light and reveals the shades of gray that illuminate our most profound truths.

Red Garden

Oracle of Mystical Moments (2018)

by Catrin Welz-Stein

Visionary collage artist Catrin Welz-Stein intermixes unexpected elements of nature and imagination, creating a sumptuous world where flower spirits and floating castles happily co-exist. Each of the 52 oracle cards captures a magical moment full of delightful surprises and vintage charm. Powerful messages in the 44-page guidebook lead you into discoveries of insight that inspire new ways of looking at life. Catrin Welz-Stein uses digital images to express her creativity and tell unique stories. Her artwork has an ethereal feel that explores the area between imagination and reality. Catrin is originally from Germany but has lived in Korea and Malaysia for several years with her husband and two children, thus there is also a subtle Asian influence in her work.

Oracle of Mystical Moments

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Categories: ScorpioZodiac


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