Virgo Love Tarot – The Time Has Come

Published by A on

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Your free Virgo love tarot reading for December 2021 summary:

Oracle: Where do you need to establish better boundaries? | Energies: wishful; heartbroken

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Virgo love tarot 

Oracle | Virgo love tarot 

Virgo Love Tarot - BOUNDARIES

Do you feel hurt just by doing what needs to be done? You walk away, only to find yourself going back. There is a push-and-pull–you are inconsistent and you falter perhaps most of the time. So you hate yourself for it. 

This card comes to you right now to tell you that it is totally safe for you to assert boundaries. Saying NO to others is okay. And not looking back is actually saying YES to yourself. That means, you’re creating clearer boundaries. And you are being called to do this right now.

The resentment you feel is not about you being the bad person as you perceive it, but actually your inability to stick in saying yes to yourself. Once you turn your back away from someone is not about being mean to them, but it’s you honoring what you truly deserve. Sometimes we need to walk away completely, and it’s actually a humbling experience. You heal others by healing yourself first.

Saying NO is actually a spiritual act, Oracle asserts. The most compassionate and loving people are actually those who have the clearest boundaries. Because when they say YES, they give it all and unconditionally.

Tune it to your gut feel, and hear it clamor when you are doing things half-heartedly. It’s actually more selfish when you do things half-heartedly, because you are not acting freely. When you don’t act freely, everything else you do has some conditions. As a result, you are building those energetic blocks that builds resentment and worse, unhappiness.

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below!

Make your own 3-card spread here (free unlimited shuffle):

Star Spinner back of card
5 of Wands

Five of Wands

This represents tension. There might be some compelling disagreements in your life, and nobody seems willing to compromise.

You refuse to engage in difficult conversations for fear of disturbing the status quo. You would rather avoid conflict than accept it.

Star Spinner back of card
14 - Temperance

Temperance (Major Arcana)

Despite the challenges and the pain that often accompany change and growth, you may find that your strong personal and interpersonal foundation help you keep grounded.

Examine your personal and interpersonal habits and honestly determine which of those things perpetuate patterns that drain you. 

Star Spinner back of card
7 of Cups

Seven of Cups

This indicates wishful thinking. You fortify yourself with fanciful daydreams. Though this is a beautiful place to be, your choices may not e grounded in reality.

Though your imagination is vibrant and seemingly limitless, it is misapplied to feeding your deepest anxieties. You are limited by your potential fears and fail to make brave choices.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: VirgoZodiac


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