Virgo Love Tarot – They Are Dying Inside (Or Not Really)

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Your free Virgo love tarot reading for January 2022 summary:

Oracle: To the Sea | Energies: couldn’t care less; overwhelmed

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Virgo love tarot

Oracle | Virgo love tarot

Virgo Love Tarot - To the Sea

Spirit invites you to recognize how pieces fit together, and how the universe conspires for you. There is a natural pattern of events going on around you, so take notice. This card is all about flow and fluidity.

Let go of taking the matters into your hands, dear Virgo, or just let everything go. You and your person’s combined goals must steer the ship, Oracle says. So there is no need to shut down or refuse to talk about it.

Spirit invites you to take a leap of faith or have the courage to initiate a heartfelt conversation with your person. You may need to negotiate or identify ways where you could make it win-win. Perhaps it’s also time to let go of your individualities or quirks that get into being compassionate towards one another.

Stop getting inside the cave and not talking about it. Someone in this connection (or perhaps both of you) is putting up a front just to avoid argument. Moreover, both of you may have been refusing to confront the elephant in the room, to a point that it has already blown out of proportion.

This card is a reminder for you to trust the ebb and flow of life. That means, a disheartening situation will soon pass, or perhaps you need to recognize that you have already outgrown another and it’s time to move forward to something new. It may be uncertain, but it definitely will allow you to grow. Trust yourself.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
King of Cups

King of Cups

The King represents patience, compassion, and stewardship. You or someone around you is intentional about addressing strong and unruly emotions with great sensitivity and care, and guides you toward emotional maturity and levelheadedness in trying times, particularly where a diplomatic and even-handed response is required.

There is emotional abuse and manipulation around you. You or someone around you is selfish, temperamental, and vindictive. This person may be leveraging guilt to get what they want, and shifting blame on others when things go wrong.

Star Spinner back of card
Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

You or someone around you is eager to explore new creative or professional opportunities. There is money to be made, and you are excited to participate in this environment.

You are getting in your own way. You set unrealistic goals, and neglect to learn the basics of your job. You might be inexperienced but haughty, refusing to do any task you deem beneath you. Seek guidance and learn from the parts of your work that seem unglamorous.

Star Spinner back of card
Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

You or someone around you is a poised and intellectually rigorous figure. This person adeptly gathers knowledge and uses every bit of information she can gather to guide her decisions.

You or someone around you might be unclear about where your biases are. Support network is cut off in a misguided effort to come to your own conclusions.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: VirgoZodiac


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