Virgo Love Tarot – Too Good to Be True

Published by A on

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Your free Virgo love tarot reading for November 2021 summary:

Oracle: What is the niggling feeling trying to tell you? | Current energy: sick and tired

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Virgo love tarot 

Oracle | Virgo love tarot 

Trust the Niggle

Do you feel like you want to do something but something just keeps blocking you to take action? Is self-doubt or channeling your inherent critical self yet again? If you were to silence that inner critic, which message would be loud and clear to you? And so Oracle asks, What is this niggling feeling trying to tell you?

This niggle is a tiny voice in your head that tells you to do something ridiculous. It’s not even a dark thought, just a socially inappropriate act from a critical Virgo. This could be sending that message, professing your love, or sending an apology. This card comes up in your reading to never numb that thought because it’s high time to face it.

Draw your attention to the light within you that is bursting to come out, Oracle says. Until you face it, it will continue sending signs and bait to awaken it. The thought of acting on it could be very scary, but it only comes up because the divine knows that you are ready. Answer it now.

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!

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Star Spinner back of card
7 of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

You are at a point where you want to make long-term investments. This is a reminder for you to look at the bigger picture and spend time cultivating your resources responsibly.

Though you are currently financially stable, you are impatient with your progress. You may be tempted to overspend or invest your resources a little too hastily. Analyze your prospects and check your impulses.

Star Spinner back of card
6 of Cups

Six of Cups

You are confronted with a moment of nostalgia. Memories of past joys strengthen your resolve and warm your heart.

Memories of the past yield sorrow. Long-buried regrets suddenly resurface to haunt you.

Star Spinner back of card
3 of Swords

Three of Swords

This is a reminder of the inevitability of pain and its absolute necessity in personal growth. You can learn from your missteps and better understand how to navigate your life.

This warns of being confronted with the aftermath of loss or heartbreak. You may find yourself stuck in a rut, futilely attempting to recover from an emotional blow. Allow yourself to experience pain and grief.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: VirgoZodiac


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