Virgo Love Tarot – You’ve Already Done Your Part

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Virgo Love Tarot

– Quick View –

Your free Virgo love tarot reading for November 2022 summary:

Oracle: Resurrection | Energies: relaxed and detached; anxious

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Virgo love tarot 

Oracle | Virgo love tarot 

Virgo Love Tarot - Phoenix

Someone so deceptive is right in your midst, dear Virgo. Be careful because this person’s toxicity may get the best of you, and of course may consume your innate kindness.

But it seems like your energy is in the right place. It’s not that you’re quitting to care about this person, but it’s more of you don’t want to engage in drama any longer. Moreover, you may have come to consciously allow them to figure out how to deal with themselves. Sounds harsh, but you’ve accepted the reality of the situation.

It seems like nothing is bothering you right now. You may have come to realize also that you are exactly where you need to be.

You’ve learned the beauty of detachment and putting your energy where it’s supposed to be.

There seems to be a new freedom of energy around you, so stick to it. You have done your part, and you’re doing great.

The Chariot with the Temperance speaks of success. What’s happening could be something that you’ve seen before and it could be like it’s a pattern, but there is a lot more meaning to it than ever. It’s like you’ve reached the Master’s level in terms of dealing with your romantic issues.

You are in control and no one can stop you right now.

And now, the Phoenix pops up in your reading. You know what that means! 


The Phoenix activates rebirth through fire and fortitude. You are now refreshed and ready to give his gifts to the world, Oracle says.

Surrender yourself to this process. Your current energy is relaxed so you are on the right path!

Allow yourself to grieve what has ended, Oracle asserts, and welcome a period of rebirth down the road.

Don’t look back.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
10 of Cups

Ten of Cups

There is finally an overarching sense of harmony in your life. Though the journey has been long, you have materialized your hopes and desires in ways you may not have expected.

There is something barring the road to complete happiness. You are close to fulfilling your wishes, but you have neglected to tie up a few loose ends. You cannot fully enjoy your achievements because there is lingering regret and discord.

Star Spinner back of card
7 - Chariot

The Chariot (Major Arcana)

There is a definitive sense that propels your journey. The Chariot has no reins and is propelled by force of will.

Interrogate your goals and means of achieving them.

Star Spinner back of card
3 of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Your collaborative relationships are in a very good place. Your work environment is healthy and that you are in harmony with your colleagues.

The quality of your collaborations is beginning to suffer. You must take some time to troubleshoot and figure out where the snags are in your complex network of projects.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: VirgoZodiac


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