Aries Love Tarot – Not Feeling Enough?

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Your free Aries love tarot reading for December 2021 summary:

Oracle: Get grounded | Energies: depressed; detached

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

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Current energies | Aries love tarot

Oracle | Aries love tarot

Aries Love Tarot - Get Grounded

You could be feeling the tension around your body because you have engaged in this battle that doesn’t even deserve be in your energetic field. So to clear your energies and start fresh, your Spirit Guides are telling you to get grounded right now. Grounding not only recharges you but also helps you put things into perspective.

If you’re not grounded, certainly it is all too easy to get swept up in other people’s energy and mistake it for your own, Oracle says. Moreover, you will forget about your boundaries and just engage in arguments that you wouldn’t want to be in for the most part. Worst, you will turn out to be the monstrous, reactive person who’s not the inherent you.

Shifting your vibration

Draw your energy from within. Shift your vibration or connect with Mother Nature. You can also walk with bare feet or sit under a tree. Moreover, you can design your home with plants or play with your pet. Certainly, external forces are responsible for tainting your energy. As a result, these negative energies are now intertwined with your energy, and now you are having a hard time getting it out of your system.

Know that you do not have to resist this external force. If you can’t protect yourself from them, then clear your energetic space every day so unwanted energies would not linger. Do not engage nor entertain anxious thoughts because you don’t deserve it. We cannot ask people to treat us right, but we have a choice to stay away from it.

Come back to Earth and you will realize that the Source loves and supports you. You are enough.

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below!

Make your own 3-card spread here (free unlimited shuffle):

Star Spinner back of card
17 - Star

The Star (Major Arcana)

After the Tower has fallen and the light of dusk fades into the night, the Star is there to help you make your way through the dark.

You may have fallen deep in despair and cannot move forward.

Star Spinner back of card
Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

You or someone around you is a poised and intellectually rigorous figure. This person adeptly gathers knowledge and uses every bit of information she can gather to guide her decisions.

You or someone around you might be unclear about where your biases are. Support network is cut off in a misguided effort to come to your own conclusions.

Star Spinner back of card
10 of Wands

Ten of Wands

You have worked very had, and you have amassed many accomplishments. Unfortunately, this carries with it more responsibility. A grand and beautiful garden requires more care and attention than a single potted plant.

Those things you amassed now feel burdensome to maintain. You might feel ready to move on, but you have invested so much in where you are.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: AriesZodiac


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