Pisces Love Tarot – Fear of Failure? But You Know It’s Mutual!

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Your free Pisces love tarot reading for December 2021 summary:

Oracle: Answer the call | Energies: insecurity; abundance

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Pisces love tarot

Oracle | Pisces love tarot

Pisces Love Tarot - Answer the Call

Is there a nudge that tells you to take a leap of faith and just do it? Then that’s your intuition trying to connect with you. And now is the perfect time to answer the call. Trust your soul’s yearnings, Oracle says, because you are exactly in the right place to answer this. That means, the universe is telling you that they will support you. Take that leap, and the universe will conspire.

Do you feel stuck and feel you’re not enough? If yes, ask yourself whether this insecurity deserves attention. Would you rather stay where you are right now and do nothing? Say yes to yourself even if it means that you may be rejected after because you will never get an answer unless you try. Where is the hesitation coming from? Perhaps it’s coming from fear of embarrassment. However, does it really even matter?

There is no right way to do it, Oracle asserts. That’s because your experience is unique to you. So regardless of the outcome, there must be something in there that will help you learn and grow. There is no harm in taking a step forward. The harm is where those fears lie. So, say yes to that nudge!

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below!

Make your own 3-card spread here (free unlimited shuffle):

Star Spinner back of card
Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

You or someone around you has garnered a reputation for being reliable. Meticulous and hardworking, this person is good at what he/she does exactly in his/her position, and he/she does not seek opportunities to advance.

You or someone around you is willing to cut corners and take the easy way out. It might be wise to step back and either rediscover what made you passionate about what you do, or find something more fulfilling.

Star Spinner back of card
7 - Chariot

The Chariot (Major Arcana)

There is a definitive sense that propels your journey. The Chariot has no reins and is propelled by force of will.

Interrogate your goals and means of achieving them.

Star Spinner back of card
0 - The Fool

The Fool (Major Arcana)

You are ready to take the first steps in a new direction and explore previously untapped potential.

What are the areas in your life where you are reticent for no reason?

More spiritual hacks

Categories: PiscesZodiac


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