Pisces Love Tarot – Get Her

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Pisces Love Tarot

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Your free Pisces love tarot reading for April 2023 summary:

Oracle: Trust the Niggle | Your energies: over-analytical and overthinking

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Pisces love tarot 

Oracle | Pisces love tarot 

Trust the Niggle

You may be exploring some romantic connection with somebody who happens to be your friend. And both of you know this deeply but seem to be in denial about it. This person may be your best friend and you fear the friendship will end once you enter a romance with them.

Your Oracle card is exactly what your first three cards are telling you. Trust your intuition and forget about the “consequences” that you feel to be coming as you take a leap of faith. Trust the Niggle is here to remind you to trust your intuition, Pisces. You may be feeling conflicted about your romantic connection with your friend, but your intuition is telling you that this is the right move for you. Be honest with yourself and with your friend about your feelings. Remember that you deserve to be happy and fulfilled in your relationships, and taking a chance on love can be scary but also incredibly rewarding. Listen to your heart and go for it!

Most people spend years ignoring their niggling feelings, Oracle says. Throwing their best dollops of stubbornness, ego, and post-rationalization to numb them out. Until you face it, you will feel stuck and all the more you will feel uncertain. But once you face this niggle—just the willingness to face it—the more the universe will support you.

Take action before it’s too late

Take action on this niggling feeling before the universe plots something explosive you’ll regret not taking action now. That niggle is the universe’s way of telling you that it will catch you. But you have to jump first and trust. No matter how many detours you plan to take to avoid it, you will always be redirected back to this niggle until you face it. A part of this process always entails fear and perhaps anxiety. But know that fear is always a sign that you are not living a boring life!

Be mindful also of how you speak to yourself. Have you been telling yourself empowering words, or words that weaken that self-trust? How can you listen to your body, at the same time listen to your intuition that only speaks for your highest good?

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
3 - Empress

The Empress (Major Arcana)

This indicates the satisfaction of natural desires through careful cultivation and mindful stewardship.

You must reassess your priorities. You may have overwatered your roots, and it will soon rot.

Star Spinner back of card
Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

You or someone around you has garnered a reputation for being reliable. Meticulous and hardworking, this person is good at what he/she does exactly in his/her position, and he/she does not seek opportunities to advance.

You or someone around you is willing to cut corners and take the easy way out. It might be wise to step back and either rediscover what made you passionate about what you do, or find something more fulfilling.

Star Spinner back of card
Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

You or someone around you is a practical and evenhanded provider, adept at maintaining and distributing resources in efficient ways. You or someone around you is more than capable of caring for an entire network of people.

There is a lack of balance between professional and personal spheres of your life. You are overworked and drained from picking up everyone else’s slack, and this makes it difficult to be tactful with others.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: PiscesZodiac


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