Pisces Love Tarot: The Ball Is in Your Court

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Your free Pisces love tarot reading for July 2021 summary:

Oracle: I possess gifts of the soul that benefit me and others| Energies: realization; waiting

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Current energies | Pisces love tarot 

Oracle | Pisces love tarot 


It appears to be that a sense of rejection and/or insecurity hinders you from acting on or chasing after your desires, dear Pisces. Perceiving others as greater than you or putting them on a pedestal is a trap of the ego. You have a unique perspective to share with the world and have come back this time to put your stamp on it, Oracle says. 

You may be out of tune with the uniqueness of your soul, and this journey could be a rude awakening for you to finally do so. Take a list of 10 aspects about yourself that you love. If you are having a hard time doing that, think about how people describe you. List down 10 traits that people appreciate about you. 

Spirit invites you to spend this time appreciating yourself. Perhaps this is your breakthrough moment. You could have been seeking validation from people outside your own unique soul.


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