Sagittarius Love Tarot – They Are Having a Hard Time Forgiving You

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Sagittarius Love Tarot

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Your free Sagittarius love tarot reading for November 2022 summary:

Oracle: Let go. | Your energy: persevering | Your person’s energy: ruminating

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Sagittarius love tarot 

Oracle | Sagittarius love tarot 

Sagittarius Love Tarot - Waterfall

You try your best only to be shut down by your person. And you respond by doing your best even more, and perhaps exhausting yourself in the process. As a result, you grew weary and frustrated. For some of you, emotions become unstable. So instead of being able to solve the issue, you lose your patience and you fail to accomplish anything after all.

You are disappointed with yourself much as your person is disappointed with you. And it exhausts you.

All of your oracle cards are saying the same thing: let it go. 

In her unhinged impermanence, the Waterfall shows us that some things cannot be stopped. Moreover, what has passed will be reborn by plunging into the soothing depths of euphoria. All that needs to be done is to let go, Oracle asserts.

The Waterfall is also a reminder that grasping is pointless. Like feeling a waterfall through your hands, it hurts when your hands are closed. Keep it open and you will feel its power, but not enough to hurt you. In what ways are you firmly attaching yourself to pleasing your person? How can you release an aspect of your life so that it wouldn’t hurt any longer?

Let go of the need to make things right or prove yourself. Everything happens in divine timing, not yours.

The Waterfall reminds you that water that runs freely reduces the risk of stagnation. Shift your energy in simple ways today, so the release will be much easier, if not organically follow.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

This is an opportunity to strengthen interpersonal connections. Now is a good time to pursue a new relationship, smooth out old tensions and forgive. Love of all kinds is the center of this card.

There is an imbalance of emotion. You are either utterly overwhelmed or are deeply repressing your feelings.

Star Spinner back of card
8 of Wands

Eight of Wands

You are energized and ready for your next steps after a long period of waiting. You may have broken through a creative block, and you feel as though you are finally going places.

Though you want to move on to the next stage of your goals, it feels like an uphill battle. There is restlessness and willingness to move, but there is also lack of direction.

Star Spinner back of card
8 of Cups

Eight of Cups

You have taken practical steps to change your life. Though your circumstances are challenging, you are prepared to meet any incoming obstacles.

The dewy sheen of your dreams is lost in the face of reality. You find yourself making difficult personal choices and leveraging practical sacrifices over your ideals.

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