Scorpio Love – When Will It Stop?

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Scorpio Love Tarot

Your free Scorpio love tarot reading for January 2024 summary:

Oracle: Pillar of Light | Current energies: self-blame; overthinking

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Scorpio Love - Pillar of Light

I see your pain, dear Scorpio. You’ve been tangled in thoughts and maybe doubting yourself, even questioning if you’re creating false narratives. Did you know that as a Scorpio, your intuition is extremely powerful?

Embrace it, but remember to balance it with objective thinking. You might be surprised to find that the stress you’re experiencing is serving a larger purpose.

Sleepless nights, self-blame…all signs of negativity feeding off your energy. But don’t despair, because the universe has a message for you.

Remember that conflict is an opportunity for growth. Your partner’s differing communication style or progressive mindset can feel challenging, but it may also be a chance for you to expand.

Pillar of Light is a reminder that you are the oracle. That means you always have the power to be the better person.

In what ways can you connect to your higher self?

You are the pillar of light.

It’s time to elevate your vibration.

Take a moment to meditate, dear Scorpio. Imagine yourself as a radiant pillar of light, linking the ethereal heavens with our beloved Earth. As the light courses through each of your chakras, you awaken the mystical rainbow bridge, a concept deeply rooted in ancient scriptures. As your vibration ascends, you raise the planet’s vibration too.

Allow the narratives that don’t serve you to go.

Embrace change, gain perspective, and prioritize your well-being. This way you can create healthy narratives for yourself.

Remember, love, you deserve inner peace and happiness. It is always your choice to choose this. Follow that wisdom in your heart.

Activate your light:

Look at your Oracle card, tune into your heart and say:

I allow the light of the heavens and the light of the Earth to flow through me now. I activate the codes of remembering within my cells and chakras. I activate my system as a rainbow bridge between heaven and Earth.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
6 - Lovers (LGBTQIA+)

The Lovers (Major Arcana)

This card heralds healthy partnerships, unions born of consent and enthusiasm.

A cycle of mutual desire and beneficence is broken, leaving one or all involved parties feeling incomplete and bereft. 

Star Spinner back of card
14 - Temperance

Temperance (Major Arcana)

Despite the challenges and the pain that often accompany change and growth, you may find that your strong personal and interpersonal foundation help you keep grounded.

Examine your personal and interpersonal habits and honestly determine which of those things perpetuate patterns that drain you. 

Star Spinner back of card
3 - Empress

The Empress (Major Arcana)

This indicates the satisfaction of natural desires through careful cultivation and mindful stewardship.

You must reassess your priorities. You may have overwatered your roots, and it will soon rot.

Categories: ScorpioZodiac


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