Virgo Love Tarot: Marriage is an Endless Battle…Not?

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Your free Virgo love tarot reading for July 2021 summary:

Oracle: I release the need to know all answers | Energies: contemplative; strong-willed

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Current energies | Virgo love tarot

Oracle | Virgo love tarot


Are you doubting and being critical of yourself yet again, dear Virgo? Do you feel stuck? Your current energy very well reminds me of the Hanged Man card–your inability to articulate the very reason that makes you feel frustrated is the same energy that hinders you to take action.

If out of your deep analysis and contemplation you feel like you have connected with the divine wisdom that feels right for you, then go ahead and keep it. If not, release it back to the universe, Oracle advises. This letting goes and release seem to be the very part of your contemplation stage that keeps you stuck.

You always arrive at the right answers, dear Virgo, but you always sabotage this by going on loop with the energy of doubt. Once you have caught the insight, try it. Test it. You will never know if it works once you react with doubt first before you act.

Befriend your shadow self: recognize thought patterns that are self-sabotaging. Once you do, you can immediately take action to consciously allow it, but at the same time consciously release it back to the earth.


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