Aries Love Tarot – Someone is Shy About Making a Move

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Your free Aries love tarot reading for August 2021 summary:

Oracle: I am attracted to those people who serve my higher good | Energies: hesitant; mysterious

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Aries love tarot 

Oracle | Aries love tarot 

There must be something about the person you’re dealing with that makes your heart flutter, or just inspires you to be a better person. Something just feels right and you can’t seem to pinpoint it. But this is not something that you are not expressing (or the other way around). Certainly, you feel attracted to this person for a specific reason.

Relationships, whether romantic or not, is an opportunity for you to better understand yourself. People come into your life to mirror back to you what you need to reflect on or to show aspects of yourself that you despise. You need to witness something about yourself, and they serve as mirrors. A soul teacher, if I may say.

When someone appears in your life, you must see what is not resolved or whole in the person and understand the lessons he/she brings home to you, Oracle asserts. The mystery is yet to be unfolded, only if you step closer. Moreover, it’s this mystery that seems to allure you. Regardless of the reason, the attraction seems so strong, this card is a sign that he/she is a part of your soul family. And as Oracle puts it, you have chosen to incarnate together to help learn lessons. 

People may seem to cross your path coincidentally, but it is these synchronistic events that may lead to something deeper. That depth may mean being romantically involved, of course, but this could be something deeper as in getting to know your truest self. Enjoy!

Aries Love Today - RELATIONSHIPS

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Star Spinner back of card
10 of Cups

Ten of Cups

There is finally an overarching sense of harmony in your life. Though the journey has been long, you have materialized your hopes and desires in ways you may not have expected.

There is something barring the road to complete happiness. You are close to fulfilling your wishes, but you have neglected to tie up a few loose ends. You cannot fully enjoy your achievements because there is lingering regret and discord.

Star Spinner back of card
6 of Cups

Six of Cups

You are confronted with a moment of nostalgia. Memories of past joys strengthen your resolve and warm your heart.

Memories of the past yield sorrow. Long-buried regrets suddenly resurface to haunt you.

Star Spinner back of card
Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

This is a lucky card. You may have a lead on a new opportunity to expand your source of income. You could do more, and your contributions are more valuable than you realize.

You are faced with a sudden financial setback of some inconvenience. Though it will not upend your livelihood, it still makes life a little more difficult than it needs to be. Perhaps you counted your chickens before they hatched.

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Categories: AriesZodiac


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