Aries Love Tarot – This Person Has Your Back

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Your free Aries love tarot reading for April 2021 summary:

Oracle: I am learning that endings are merely beginnings | Energies: frustrated; grounded

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Current energies | Aries love tarot

Oracle | Aries love tarot


Don’t rush, dear Aries. And I can’t believe I would be saying the same thing here in your Oracle reading. You could be frustrated about a past failure. But here’s your Oracle card reminding you that any kind of ending is just the beginning of something greater.

Death is an illusion, Oracle asserts. It’s a natural course of life but it could also signify transcendence–surpassing our limitations and/or ascension. Stagnancy extinguishes progress, Oracle adds, and it’s time for you to expand your horizons. You may perceive something denied because you are being protected.

The person you’re dealing with who appears to be your partner seems to be helping you throughout. Perhaps it’s the most opportune time to be grateful for their presence, or pay attention to how they have been your earth angel all along. Thank those who shared your path too (including those who have rejected you), because they are your keys toward ascension.


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Categories: AriesZodiac


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