Cancer Love Tarot – You Can’t Believe You’ll Fall for Them?

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Your free Cancer love tarot reading for August 2021 summary:

Oracle: I will honor the physical vessel that enshrines my soul | Energies: contentment; too much on plate

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Cancer love tarot

Oracle | Cancer love tarot

This card is a powerful reminder that seems so relevant in the current worldwide situation. No matter how we dream big, if we don’t nurture our soul’s temple, then we can never be as limitless as we think we are. Perhaps this is a reminder for you to prioritize your health, so you are ready to manifest your heart’s desires once the time has come.

You have chosen to incarnate in this physical dimension to learn certain lessons, and if you don’t maintain the physical vehicle that your soul has chosen, then you are sabotaging your own plan, Oracle asserts. May it be overthinking or over-planning, perhaps Spirit invites you to postpone it.

Learn how to manage your energy, discover ways to heal, or just do what delights your soul. Your energy is contentment, which seems like you are in a very good place right now. If there seems to be nothing serious happening around you right now, perhaps journaling with gratitude can bring you more nourishment. 

This card could also be a sign that you may need to assist another soul in their journey towards healing. Listen.

Cancer Love Tarot - HEALTH

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Star Spinner back of card
King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

You or someone around you is an ambitious leader, adept at managing finances. Each new project comes with a carefully crafted multipoint plan, and great self-discipline is exercised. Luck favors the prepared.

You or someone around you is a workaholic with miserly tendencies. There is competitiveness, being cutthroat, and business-minded. Someone is risk-averse and not inclined to invest in new ideas.

Star Spinner back of card
King of Cups

King of Cups

The King represents patience, compassion, and stewardship. You or someone around you is intentional about addressing strong and unruly emotions with great sensitivity and care, and guides you toward emotional maturity and levelheadedness in trying times, particularly where a diplomatic and even-handed response is required.

There is emotional abuse and manipulation around you. You or someone around you is selfish, temperamental, and vindictive. This person may be leveraging guilt to get what they want, and shifting blame on others when things go wrong.

Star Spinner back of card
4 of Cups

Four of Cups

There is a vague sense of dissatisfaction that lingers like a late-afternoon shadow. You are unable to appreciate what you have built for yourself.

There is an urgent restlessness and dissatisfaction. You want to escape and start over. Everything you have built has turned out not quite right, but you keep missing opportunities to try again.

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Categories: CancerZodiac


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