Daily tarot spread – Circle of life

Published by A on

Daily Tarot -

This is your free daily tarot card reading, a spiritual guidance tarot reading for whoever needs it. I physically shuffle my decks to arrive at this reading, and I take the jump cards most of the time. Please take only what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. If you are drawn to this post, there might be something here that you need to hear today.

So, Let’s begin!

Divine Guidance

Daily tarot - Starseeds card - 8262020

Don’t forget your self-care ritual, honey. This is what this card’s all about. Oracle reminds you that you just can’t bloom month after month. Just like the earth, have some time to balance. Slough off negative energies, and make space for the positive ones.

It’s okay to acknowledge negative feelings of course, but here comes a reminder to never allow those toxins get the best of you all year long. There are things that can’t wait, I hear you.

Self-care need not take up much of your time. An hour would be good, but 5-10 minutes isn’t bad at all. Don’t run on your reserves, and Oracle wants to remind you that there’s enough time. Above all, life will bend toward you when you care for yourself.

Energies from the Daily Tarot

Daily tarot - 3-card spread (8262020)

Past: 7 of Pentacles – You cultivated something so good in the past, and you reaped the benefits. You have seen the fruits of your labor, and through perseverance, you have brought abundance to your life.

Present: The Emperor (reversed) – There is a domineering energy around you. This could simply be your ego, or some controlling figure who’s interested in what you have cultivated.

Future: King of Pentacles (reversed) – In the future, you run the risk of overspending and indulgence. This card in upright means financial stability, but the opposite rings true as your possible outcome. Perhaps this is the result of that Emperor (reversed) energy.

My interpretation of your daily tarot reading

Daily tarot overarching energy: Page of Cups (8262020)
Page of Cups

I feel so glad to see the Page of Cups as your overarching energy, simply because your 3-card spread is dominated by masculine energies. While it may sound like a gender-specific analysis to you, it’s actually too far from it.

We all have masculine and feminine energies, and those energies correspond with our giving and receiving energies. From your 3-card spread, the masculine energies are too dominant, to a point that they are overthrowing the gentleness of your spirit (feminine energy).

Right off the bat, the universe invites you to Water Your Garden. That means, take a step back from taking action, and rest for a moment. You might be taking in more than what you can chew.

You are soaring high

Your 7 of Pentacles signifies a good bounty. You may have started a business in the past, and you have nurtured it so well that you have neglected self-care.

On the other hand, the last two cards look like a warning to me–energies that may serve as the pitfalls of your success. While The Emperor and King of Pentacles could mean the presence of a domineering (if not selfish) person in your life, it feels like these are your energies. Hence, Spirit invites you to be mindful of these.

You are all for harmony–this is what your overarching energy tells me. Perhaps you’re an intuitive person, and your deep connection with both your inner child and intuition could have been your secret to success. Nurture it even more, and be mindful of any kind of control, rigidity, and greediness that the last two cards seem to vibrate.

While it’s good to be in control of your fate, I think this whole reading is an invitation to cultivate a sense of balance. Taking action is good, but don’t forget to receive too. Self-care ritual is receiving.

Daily Tarot Guidance

Daily tarot - Oracle card - New Life (8262020)When I saw this card, I immediately thought about the circle of life, and how earth’s magical ability to balance itself. Even your Oracle card (Water Your Garden) is all about cycles.

New energy enters old relationships and winter gives way to spring, Oracle says. Delight in the bounty that is already in your hands.

If you are not yet experiencing a “new life” right now, know that there’s a right time for everything. Allow yourself to be like a delicate new bud opening. Perhaps you are just starting out and everything feels like a challenge. But please know that everything in life has its own timetable for maturity.

Be present, and consider everything new as an opportunity to experience what you haven’t before. And I can’t help but say it aloud again: what’s meant for you will find its way to you.

Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts below! You are loved!

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for personal readings: tarot@highfiveshighvibes.com

Decks used

Buy the authentic:

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you take my recommendation.

Read more spiritual hacks

A gentle reminder from A

My intention every reading: May I speak the truth, may my interpretation be for the highest good, and may my intuitive work contribute to the joy and freedom of all.

While the magic of the Tarot lies with how it resonates with us, it is always best to exercise free will. Tarot is for fun, just as I feel the joy in connecting with my spirit guides as I interpret the cards. Tarot resembles the Hero’s Journey in Mythology, just as how these archetypes are used in the movies. We are all alchemists to transform our lives, and Tarot is just one way towards self-reflection. Do not be co-dependent on Tarot, k? K! /highfive!

Categories: Tarot


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