Daily Tarot Spread – You Didn’t Want to Confront Them

Published by A on

Daily Tarot -

If you feel like clicking on this, there might be something here that you need to hear today. This a free daily tarot card reading for whoever needs it. I physically shuffle my decks to arrive at this reading, and I take the jump cards most of the time. Please take only what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.

So, Let’s begin!

Energies from the Daily Tarot

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification needed.

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Daily Tarot Oracle Guidance


It’s about time to connect with and listen to your intuition. How is this situation calling you to step up and lead? You could be keeping everything to yourself and perhaps resisting change.

The difference between a leader and a follower is that a leader has the courage to go first, Oracle says. They serve as a light to others so they can venture forward too.

Spirit invites you to detach. Let go of people and circumstances that no longer serve you. Let go of that blindfold. Tread your own path as the intuition guides you to. Your intuition may have long been waiting for you to step forward so your tribe can find you.


Thank you, universe, for helping me...

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for personal readings: tarot@highfiveshighvibes.com

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A gentle reminder from A

My intention every reading: May I speak the truth, may my interpretation be for the highest good, and may my intuitive work contribute to the joy and freedom of all.

While the magic of the Tarot lies with how it resonates with us, it is always best to exercise free will. Tarot is for fun, just as I feel the joy in connecting with my spirit guides as I interpret the cards. Tarot resembles the Hero’s Journey in Mythology, just as how these archetypes are used in the movies. We are all alchemists to transform our lives, and Tarot is just one way towards self-reflection. Do not be co-dependent on Tarot, k? K! /highfive!

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Categories: Tarot


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