Gemini Love Tarot – Treated Unfairly

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Gemini Love Tarot

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Your free Gemini love tarot reading for November 2022 summary:

Oracle: Develop the art of grace | Your current energy: numb from sadness

Reminders and surprises are in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

Decks used

Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification is needed.

As a fair energy exchange, Amazon pays me a small amount shall you purchase the cards I’ve recommended. Full text here.

Current energies | Gemini love tarot

Oracle | Gemini love tarot

Gemini Love Tarot - Sun

Your most recent relationship (if not all of your previous relationships) makes you feel inferior as if there’s nothing good about you. Those relationships seem to magnify your deepest insecurities. As a result, you have trust issues, if not low self-esteem. It’s not actually that low self-esteem that you are worried about, but you start to think that you HAVE to worry about it because you know that it’s not your nature.

You just know, deep down inside, that you are kind, gentle, compassionate, and lovable. And you deserve to be loved.

Your current partner seems to be feeding this insecurity, if not triggering it.

But surprise, surprise! You can actually overturn this by doing the work. Nope, we wouldn’t create a list of how you would adjust with your partner, nor cleverly plot to make them change. Yes, we wouldn’t spend the whole time blaming your partner for the insecure energies that seem to surround you right now.

Make time to focus on your root and throat chakras.

The root chakra is the energy center at the base of your spine, while the throat is… well, in your throat. Repress your truth and it adds to an imbalanced throat chakra. On the other hand, the feeling of insecurity and anxiety stems from an imbalanced root chakra.

Unblocking the root chakra can be simply done by walking barefoot and hiking–connecting with the earth. You can also practice horticulture, or become a plant enthusiast. On the other hand, balance your throat chakra by saying positive affirmations out loud every day. For example, you can say:

Even though I feel useless, I profoundly love myself.

You may also add aids to your chakra balancing ritual by wearing blue crystals. I especially love aquamarine because of its gentle and light energy. Try an aquamarine or moonstone necklace that you can wear as you socialize.

Related articles: Zodiac Crystals | Top 5 Crystals for Mental Health and Calm

The throat chakra speaks of your ability to speak your authentic truth. You must know how to say no, and boundaries must be set so you can protect your golden energies.

The Sun here is a reminder of timeless confidence and force. Also, this affirms the divine that rests within you. 

Spirit reminds you today that regardless of how others treat you, shine your light anyway. Never allow anyone to diminish that light in you. That also means that how others treat and perceive you do not define who you truly are. Continue to invigorate your inner light so that you become a pharos of clarity and wisdom, Oracle says. You will then be remunerated in multiples.

A message for you

Shuffle the deck and click on the card from left to right to get your past-present-future quick reading. If you need instructions especially about setting an intention, you can shuffle the deck here.

Star Spinner back of card
2 - High Priestess

The High Priestess (Major Arcana)

You are turning inward, doing that introspection, and connecting with your intuition.

Discern the difference between a mystery and a lie. Trusting your intuition must be tempered with a healthy degree of skepticism.

Star Spinner back of card
7 of Swords

Seven of Swords

This marks you as the betrayer. You saw opportunities and took them by whatever means you could.

Someone has seen through your ruse. Though you think you are getting ahead, you are not as clever as you believe.

Star Spinner back of card
17 - Star

The Star (Major Arcana)

After the Tower has fallen and the light of dusk fades into the night, the Star is there to help you make your way through the dark.

You may have fallen deep in despair and cannot move forward.

More spiritual hacks

Categories: GeminiZodiac


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