How to Change Your Life for Success (Plus, quick fixes to make it happen!)

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We often crave change, whether it’s because we feel stuck, overwhelmed, or simply want to achieve more. Changing your life for success may seem to be far-fetched and doesn’t happen overnight, but it can be done. And it’s a process. You may need both strategy and self-awareness to make lasting shifts. But here’s a roadmap to help you get started on how to change your life for success—of course based on your own measure of it.

Success looks different for everyone. Some see it as financial independence, others as inner peace or reaching C-level status within the corporation.

Clearly define what success means to you. I don’t really believe in setting goals for 5 years time, because a lot can happen in a year, moreso in 5 years. Heck, I wanted to be yoga teacher in 2019, so I started with practicing yoga more often. But pandemic struck and everything changed. Point is, don’t overthink it. It can be just a vision for 2025!

Reflect on your past small wins to change your life for success. Equally contemplate on how you made these small wins happen. Would you like to build up from there? Or would you like to shift gears?

Journal it. Visualize it. Set an intention. Manifest.

Change your life for success: The Fool card in Tarot

If you’re feeling a little lost in this process, try using tools like tarot or astrology to gain some clarity.

For example, the Fool card in tarot is a powerful symbol when it comes to defining your vision for success. This card represents new beginnings, innocence, and the willingness to take risks.

Just like the Fool stepping off a cliff with a small knapsack, embarking on a journey to change your life requires a leap of faith.

When defining your vision:

  • Embrace uncertainty: The Fool reminds us that not everything needs to be planned out. Sometimes, the most rewarding paths are those we discover along the way.
  • Stay open-minded: Like the Fool’s wide-eyed wonder, approach your vision with curiosity and openness to new possibilities. There are things that are outside our control and you will thank yourself later for recognizing that.
  • Trust your instincts: The Fool follows their heart. When defining your vision, listen to your inner voice and what truly excites you.
  • Be willing to start fresh: The Fool represents the number zero, symbolizing infinite potential. Don’t be afraid to redefine success on your own terms, even if it means starting from scratch.

You don’t need to know the answers now. Like the Fool, carry with you only what’s essential, and be ready to learn and grow along the way.

How to change your life for success starts in the mind.

This could be the hardest part because sometimes we don’t even know if our mindset needs alignment to begin with. And I get that people cringe at the “shift your mindset” phrase because it has been overused.

But you cannot grow from where you feel stuck.

You grow from the parts of you that heal, from the places where you’ve stitched yourself back together with lessons learned, resilience built, and yes—mindset shifts.

It’s about reframing your perspective, not ignoring the pain or pretending everything is fine. Growth happens when you allow yourself to shift away from the victim mentality, or the “why is this happening to me?” loop, and step into the power of “what can I learn from this?” and “how can I use this to become stronger?”

Healing requires more than time—it requires awareness.

And that awareness starts with your mindset. Sure, sometimes life throws you into chaos, but how you emerge from that chaos depends entirely on the narrative you decide to live by.

Will you let that moment define you, or will you redefine it?

This is where mindset becomes the key to unlocking your personal power. Step into that power and you’ll change your life to success.

It’s not about toxic positivity or pretending life is always rainbows—it’s about empowering yourself to see possibilities, even in the darkest moments.

And once you align with that mindset, you’re no longer growing from a place of brokenness; you’re growing from a place of wholeness, and that makes all the difference.

Change your life for success: Black tourmaline and hematite crystals

Consider using grounding crystals like Hematite or Black Tourmaline to absorb and transform negative energy into something positive.

These stones are particularly helpful when you’re working on staying focused and grounded in your goals. These act as anchors for the mind.

Distinguishing Characteristics:


Color: Hematite is typically metallic gray, black, or silver, but its streak (the color it leaves when scratched on a surface) is a distinct reddish-brown.

Luster: It has a shiny, metallic luster when polished, but can appear dull in its raw form.

Black Tourmaline:

Color: Black Tourmaline is typically deep black, with a glossy to dull surface depending on how it’s polished.

Texture: Often ridged or striated along its surface, giving it a somewhat rough texture compared to the smoothness of Hematite.

Luster: It has a vitreous (glass-like) or sometimes dull luster, and its surface may show slight reflections.

Feel: Like Hematite, Black Tourmaline feels solid and dense but doesn’t have magnetic properties.

Once you’ve clarified your vision of success and begun shifting your mindset, it’s time to put a plan into action.

Break down your larger goals into small, achievable steps. That means, start by creating bite-sized tasks that steadily move you toward your big-picture goal.

Change your life for success: The Knight of Wands tarot card

Get this deck here.

Journal. Write one big goal you want to happen. Below it, list down what you need to do to achieve that. For example, you want to a six-digit income. Below that would be options: start a business or seek other opportunities. Then break it down further: what needs to be done to start a business: get a loan or market research could be a few. When seeking opportunities, upskilling could go under that.

Break it down until the smallest chunk is something you can actually do today. Then move up.

Think of the Knight of Wands in tarot: this card represents bold movement toward a goal, fueled by passion and determination.

Harness that energy in your daily actions. Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and tackle them in short periods (i.e., two weeks per chunk of task). Check in regularly (yes, with yourself) to review your progress and adapt your strategy to keep the momentum going.

Your environment plays a critical role to change your life for success. So surround yourself with people, places, and things that uplift and support your journey.

Having mentors, peers, or a like-minded community provides motivation and accountability.

Simultaneously, cut out toxic influences. If certain relationships drain your energy or discourage you, run fast. This is the Devil energy in the tarot.

If it comes up in your reading, someone in your life may be weighing you down and you have formed unhealthy attachments or habits with them.

And you are trapped in that vortex.

It’s time to set boundaries.

The Devil card encourages you to recognize that and take responsibility for breaking free. The card’s loose chains symbolize the possibility of freeing yourself. Don’t hesitate to seek support from loved ones or professionals if needed.

The Devil card, while daunting, is ultimately about recognizing your ability to reclaim your personal power. It’s a powerful reminder that change is possible, and liberation from what holds you back is within reach.

Get yourself a Black Obsidian mineral. It is a mineral formed from volcanic glass that has a glassy or vitreous luster, and it is deep, jet-black in color. Others prefer this over hematite or black tourmaline. It is also shinier than black onyx. Onyx is a type of chalcedony, not volcanic glass.

Black Obsidian mineral

  • Releases Negative Energy: It is powerful enough to absorb and release negative energy, helping you confront fears, bad habits, or limiting beliefs.
  • Grounding and Protection: Black obsidian offers strong grounding energy, keeping you focused and stable as you work through difficult emotional or mental patterns.
  • Self-Reflection: It aids in deep self-reflection, making it easier to confront the shadow aspects of yourself and break free from any constraints holding you back.

I’d choose obsidian over hematite, onyx, or tourmaline because of its intense energy.

Let’s keep it short: it’s impossible to change your life for success if your health is suffering.

Take care of your physical and mental well-being by balancing your lifestyle.

Change your life for success: exercise

Simple things like getting enough sleep, practicing yoga, eating a balanced diet, and spending time in nature can significantly improve your focus and stamina.

Your body is your vessel for success.

The quick fix is simple: get enough sleep!

No successful person has avoided failure. Rather, they’ve learned to use it as a stepping stone.

Every failure provides insight into what didn’t work and offers a chance to learn and improve. By understanding failures, you gain a deeper wisdom on the processes or decisions that need refining, making your next attempt stronger.

As someone who lives in a developing country marred by typhoons, this may sound overrated to us but it could never be true: resilience.

Failure toughens you up.

woman hiding her face

Think about something you’ve been meaning to do but for some reason you fear doing. Is it to cook, to ride a bike, to go wall climbing, to plant, or to commute alone?

Get your ass up and do it today.

Sometimes we think we are not ready to try things. But the truth is, we could never be ready. There are things we should do but we procrastinate, and so the universe will do something to kick that urgency in us.

It happens all the time, and in tarot, the Tower is the best representation of that energy.

The Tower card from tarot reminds us that upheaval is often a necessary disruption, clearing out the old to make way for the new. Sometimes, the only way forward is to break through established patterns, even if it feels like everything is falling apart.

You’ve heard this before. But what makes it important to do this?

It tricks your brain to focus on winning and it balances out challenges.

Every time you pick up an experience and you classify it as a winning moment, your brain will release dopamine and it will make you feel good. As a result, you will be motivated to repeat those actions.

That’s the reason why we always say that it doesn’t matter whether an achievement is big or small. Just celebrate it.

Change your life for success: celebrate small wins
The opposite is true when you focus on threats or failures, which is what our brain’s natural negativity bias tends to do.

This focus on negative experiences leads to increased anxiety and stress.

But by actively celebrating wins, you’re not just boosting your mood; you’re counteracting that negativity bias, training your brain to see balance and possibility, not just risk and failure.

Celebrating wins is also a powerful way to cultivate gratitude and develop a more positive outlook on life. Celebration can look like just spending quality time with a friend and sharing your wins, or simply just sharing it in social media.

You might roll your eyes at the phrase “positive outlook,” but here’s the truth: it works.

And neuroscience backs it up.

To further reduce anxiety and transform your thinking, consider this: changing the way you think about problems is key. Often, negative thoughts like “I am a complete failure” stem from early life experiences—things like criticism from caregivers or past failures. Over time, these negative thoughts shape your self-image and derail your confidence.

Try positive self-talk.

Retired clinical psychologist Georgia DeGangi highlights the importance of positive self-talk as an important strategy for reducing anxiety in her book The Dysregulated Adult.

She says, self-talk is a tangible activity that can quickly get you out of a negative self-state, and the person may identify how he can succeed in daily life.

And you can do it by simply just being mindful every time you go into a loop of negativity. When you catch yourself in self-doubt mode, you have to visualize a stop sign and say something like:

“I’m in control of this. I can succeed.”

You have to actively participate in that mindful process.

The universe can only conspire if you take action. And action is the bridge between where you are and where you want to be—in this case, success.

Taking a step today will bring momentum. And that momentum is when the universe will start to conspire. That sounds so far fetch, but your brain is more powerful than you think.

Will talk more about the neuroscience of manifestation in a future article I’m working on! So stay tuned.


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